sweet sweet day

May 11, 2009

I am quite spoiled by my Ultra-appreciatives. Mama’s day was full of love and whatever I wanted. It started Saturday night (after a full day of spoiling from my parents), when I came home with my little ones bringing me a surprise from my favorite store. Followed by my Sunday morning breakfast in bed, in which I requested coco pebbles. Then throughout the day, the granting of my every whim. Thus, a stop for shaved ice at Guppy House. I must say I feel loved, such a good feeling. Being a mama is good. 
from the ultra-appreciatives
breakfast in bed
good morning mom!
shaved ice

Then, in case you didn’t get the memo, Mama’s Day will continue on Friday (at least for me anyways). I wonder what my Benny and the girls have up their sleeves. Hmm… I am excited!

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