November 15, 2011

Friday evening, baby sister and I threw middle sister a bridal shower. The big day is still three months away, but with holidays fast approaching and the out of town bridesmaid in town, we knew we had to do it in November. Despite winds and sprinkling right as guests were arriving, by the time everyone went outside to officially start the festivities, the weather was perfect.
I wanted to do a fancy little sit down dinner and have it outside under twinkling lights. Baby sister and I wanted simple flowers, candlelight, and glittery ribbons (the holidays are coming after all) and basically something really pretty to celebrate middle sister’s coming wedding. Based on the chatter, laughs, and the showering of lots of “fun” presents, we are sure middle sister loved it all so much. Best of all, was having her surrounded with all her closest friends!
a fancy dinner partya fancy dinner partya fancy dinner party
a fancy dinner partya fancy dinner partya fancy dinner party
a fancy dinner partya fancy dinner partya fancy dinner partya fancy dinner party
Want to see more details and tons more pictures, along with the whats, whys, and hows of the party decorating? Check out my HOUZZ Ideabook. This is where the contest part comes along…
I, along with 29 other bloggers, are participating in a little contest of how we change up a space for some holiday entertaining and all you have to do is leave me a comment in my ideabook here. The great part is that if I win, one of my readers will win too!
First place is a gift card to my favorite online retailer for $750 and a reader will win a $250 gift card to any online retailer of your choice. Second place is a $400/$100 and third place is $200/$50. Now, out of 29 other bloggers, chances aren’t so bad, right?! The blogger’s ideabook with the most votes wins.
You can leave a comment about anything (as long as you leave it here), from what you liked to what you would have done to maybe something you are coveting for your home! Each comment equals one vote, so please do leave me a comment on my ideabook. It was fun putting together the shower for my sister and I hope it inspires you for some parties in your future.
So don’t forget to leave me a comment/vote here and if you want to blog, facebook, or tweet about this contest to help get more votes in, that would be much appreciated too! Remember if I win, one of you win too. Thanks friends!!!
*nighttime pictures taken by ica images.

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