morning routine

September 16, 2009

In the process of all our organizing, our routines are getting organized too. Plus, I was a teacher once, so I am a very structured person and I like lots of lists and charts. Here is our “morning routine” chart to help us get started with our day. I am sure you will see more of our homemade charts soon.

coloring mamamorning routine chartin her roomItalic

edited and ready
Sometimes, the chart doesn’t always get followed, though we try, but with kids, you know how these things go…
And don’t forget the giveaway and to sign up for the screening. I am going with my some friends, one of whom has graced Glamour Magazine’s blog for her fiance’s wonderful proposal. I still love reading that story and am excited that she is finally starting the wedding planning. Also, I am so excited that many of you will be at the screening!
It is Wednesday and just a few more days until the weekend. Ben and I plan on going on a date either tomorrow or Friday night, so I am definitely a happy gal! I lovey my husband lots!!!
EDIT COMING: OOPS!!! I forgot to put the -ed at the end of dress. I am so glad my Benny is there to catch my grammatical errors! Must fix that tonight and will re-scan a new chart. See… I am not perfect! Now, I am worried about my former students, maybe I taught them bad grammar. Sorry kids…
EDIT UPDATE: Last photo shows the edit… whew!

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