January 14, 2012

my style resolution
more wedges pleasemore wedges pleasemore wedges pleasemore wedges please
Modcloth asked me if I had a style resolution and my answer is… yes! Wear more wedges!
I think I have always paired wedges with a dress thinking I had to be a bit fancier to wear them, but I want to learn to pair them with jeans and wear them more often. I usually wear stacked heels and clogs of late, but I think more wedges are right up my alley for this year. Especially pairing them with jeans and not just dresses and they aren’t so bad for chasing after kids, just don’t run too fast. They are much better than heels that’s for sure.
This budapest wedge from modcloth was a very good start. It is kinda loafer-ish, but with a nice wedge. I love the height it gives me and for me, wearing something with a lift somehow gives me better posture. Better posture is always good.
I kept the outfit pretty neutral but added a pop of color with my kelly green bag I got from Anthropologie. After turquoise, kelly green is my second favorite color! It was a steal of a deal when it was the fifty percent off sale and I couldn’t pass it up (I had a gift card after all) and I have always wanted a pretty kelly green leather bag. Of course, I am also in love with my cool, geometric ring from Osnat Har-noy. I am a sucker for chunky rings. Love them!
Do you have any style resolutions?
What I’m wearing… shirt, vintage. jeans, f21. bag, anthro. budapest wedges c/o modcloth. bracelets, handmade by anne potter. ring, osnat har-noy.

22 comments on “MY STYLE RESOLUTION”

  • Brit says:

    i love wedges. they allow you to still scurry around being a mum, and still look good. πŸ™‚ love the outfit!
    i don't have any style resolutions other than this: continue to make an effort. it's so easy to wear the same jeans and sweater everyday out of tiredness.

  • sgrmse. says:

    heyy, i'm not too sure if you have a teenage following but if you know of anyone who might be interested, could you please rec them my marketplace blog? pretty pretty please, ruby. it'd mean a lot to me.

  • Ooo, I think I might just add wedges to my list. Only problem is, it's so cold where I live! And wedges make it hard to get to the beach – sheesh, I'm too practical. Maybe that will be my resolution instead – get the wedges and stop being so dang practical. πŸ™‚ Great post! I'm off to check out those bracelets.

  • Ashley says:

    What a fun resolution. Perhaps I should try that! I, on the other hand, think I'm too tall to wear wedges.

  • Jjanga says:

    Absolutely love those wedges! I have a pair of bootie wedges that I am obsessed with, they are more forgiving on the feet also.

    xoxo, Jjanga

  • ashley says:

    Dang girl! I am loving your hair!

  • Tang says:

    Kelly green is one of my favourites too! I want to try and clean out my closet this year and refocus my style to my age.

  • Libby says:

    I've never worn heels before and I'm pretty clumsy, so wedges look like a good place to start.
    And you've probably been told this before, but can I just say, I love you! Because even though you seem to be a pretty 'big' blogger, you still buy the majority of your own clothes instead of having them all c/o. And I really, really, really appreciate that. It feels more real somehow. So thank you.

  • Jean says:

    i love wedges! you can really wear them allll day and not really feel much pain afterwards (like some heels)! and you're right, they do go well w/ jeans, too! those look so darling!

  • ~3iNnA~ says:

    I love wedges…I don't like clogs though. I try to stay away from heels because I am already 5'4″. Lots of my friends get mad when I wear heels. hahaha. I love turquoise and I love kelly green…I love chunky rings (I have few).

    My friends and sister bought me lots of blouses/tops and it is posted on my blog. I don't like dresses though. I am quite flexible with my style resolution.

  • Chelle says:

    Wedges aren't for me but I adore that green handbag you are toting.

    You look AMAZING for having had 4 little girls

  • That's a great resolution! I love wedges too but haven't really worn them much. I'd love to get some cute (but comfy ones) for this year!

  • bow wow! sissy you look smokin! oh and nice pics. πŸ˜‰

  • Rosalind says:

    Hot mama – look at you mother of four πŸ™‚ You are looking fabulous for a sleep deprived woman, hope you are feeling just as super as your photo!! xx

  • amanda*rose says:

    I love these images…I can *SO* hear those wedges on that wood-planked floor!

  • bri kim says:

    I love love LOVE this outfit! you are so pretty Ruby!

  • Anna says:

    I love this outfit, and I really like your ring. I think my style resolution for 2012 would be wear more vintage and try and make some of my own clothes. I am so happy I recently found your blog – it is amazing, your photos are beautiful and you've inspired me to do more crafty things! πŸ™‚

  • Rubyellen says:

    rosalind- no longer sleep deprived as glow has been sleeping through the night now! yay!!!

    bri- thanks!

    anna- vintage is a good resolution! my closet is full of vintage and love mixing them with modern pieces. making clothes is good too! making a shirt is on this week's to do list!

  • Fabulous. Very stylish and looks comfy.

  • Jennifer says:

    Oh how I love the color kelly green! And wedges! I have probably one style resolution and that's to make sure I don't wear sweats every day of the week once I have my baby here in a couple of weeks. I'll have an 18 month old and a newborn and I know it'll be a task to just brush my teeth so I'd be thrilled if I managed a cute outfit here and there…

  • jozen says:

    you looks a-mazing! and i am loving your kelly green bag!

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