read and make: emeraldalicious

July 22, 2013

read and makeread and makeread and makeread and makeread and makeread and makeread and makeread and makeread and makeI shared about the different ways we’re learning about how to save the planet here and one of you suggested this Emeraldalicious book (Thanks Margot!), so we got it. The girls loved the story so much and we have read it over and over again. It’s a good way to teach them how to be creative with things they already have. The story is quite whimsical and shows children how they can repurpose things into  something else.

So what did we do? The girls gathered some things from outside and made their own wand inspired by the story. Sticks, petals, and washi tape did the job and they had their own magical wand! Now, my girlies can turn their own little world a little more greenalicious.

When we first started going through the save the planet book, and some of you introduced me to Zero Waste Life, I was feeling so bad that I wasn’t doing everything I can do to reduce waste. Seriously, I was feeling guilty and bad for being so wasteful because maybe we had too much boxed foods or something. Ben had to help me realize that we do what we can and what’s reasonable for us, but we can’t do it all. I’m not a perfect eco-warrior by any means, but I will keep doing what I can for our family to make us more conscious about being mindful of the planet, but I will not beat myself up if I decide to serve up frozen dinners from time to time.

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