So after the antique-y sort of convention (I did walk away with a small load of goodies), we headed off to the beach. Santa Monica to be exact…
I think the gloom and ocean make a lovely combination and we had a fantastic time together frolicking on the beach. True and her Papi were running in and out of the water catching bubbles, while Brave and I laughed and played together on the sand…lovely gloom + ocean + both babycakies + my Benny = a marvelous day (and can’t forget the old, French goodies I picked up in the morning)
what a lovely day indeed! CUTE pictures. 🙂
I stumbled onto your blog have been loving it!!!! I feel like you must be me in “bizarro world”…or maybe we should just be friends… We were in Santa Monica on Sunday, too – though I missed the show…. drove past it, though… wishing…
thanks for keeping the inspiration going… (love your kids names, too)
(I’m Liberty, my sis is Victory and my daughter is Mercy)
see… we should be friends.
Hi Liberty!
Thank you so much! You’re so sweet and I love your names, your sister’s and your daughter’s. You should have gone to the show! it was fun… i really wished i spent more time walking around. we shopped at one place for like 1 and half hours… i totally know what you mean about bizarro world. this blogging thing really connects people… and thank you for the email. I have to run and do errands but i will be sure to email later!
What a great day! And your sandals are SO cute!