My good friend Heather, who shares my love for Anthropologie, gave the most wonderful gift for True…
When Heather was born her grandma gave her a camillia flower bush for her parents to plant just for Heather. The same was done for Heather’s sister, except it was in a different color. To this day the plant continues to grow and thrive, just like Heather all these years. Heather said when she was little and sad, her parents would cut a flower off and give it to her to remind her she was loved. Her bush has been moved and replanted, nevertheless it is still there and has brought forth the prettiest blooms…
We were all in awe at the beautiful camellia. I definitely want those in my backyard too!
Well, to keep the grand tradition of love and thoughtfulness growing, Heather gave True her own special floral bush. True was given a gorgeous bush of pink hydragneas…

It is a wonderful punch of pink, as pink is True’s favorite color at the moment, and we can hardly wait to plant it somewhere special just for our True. This beautiful plant is a wonderful reminder to True that she is super duperly loved. I think it is marvelous that this present will continue to grow as my True grows and maybe one day she will be able to transplant this into her own yard. I hope that one day doesn’t come too fast because True will always be my baby (and Brave too!).
Seriously, this present is such a wonderful idea. Watch out friends! If you are a good friend of mine, your kid will be a getting a plant on his/her birthday sometime (if I think you won’t kill it). This is a most marvelous way to honor a special child and every child is indeed special. Forget the toys and clothes, give them plants!
Thank you so much Heather and Ele! We love you guys too. Brave is eagerly awaiting hers…
I think this is such a cute idea! A friend of mine gave birth to her little girl when she was only 5months pregnant. The baby lived for only an hour. As a special gift, her parents gave her a Japanese Willow (I don’t know the official name of it, but it has the most beautiful pink flowers) that she planted and replanted when they moved. I thought that was a great reminder, but this is too! How fun to be able to look outside, or cut a flower, and know you’re loved. I might have to do this.
Aww, how sweet! Traditions are so important. We used to live in an old house, from 1925, that had over 60 camelia bushes. We purchased the house from the original owners, and the Mrs. said that her husband had planted a camelia bush for her on every year of thier anniversary. They were so gorgeous, every year, and the entire yard was filled with huge blossoms! It was always so sweet to think of the love between these two people and how even after they were gone, it continued to bloom.
i love this idea. i’m definitely going to do this for my family. i especially love that you’d cut a flower whenever you feel down.
i’ll definetly not be able to take care of a plant… ellen and i looked at each other on saturday and both started laughing cuz we both know we’d end up killing it. NOT OUR CHILDREN, THE PLANT! i’m sure i’ll take real good care of my kids. 🙂 …plants on the other hand, I don’t know…
What a fantastic idea!
I love it, very sweet and it is a gift that keeps on giving. How cool would it be to get one as a young girl and use the flowers when you get married?
Thanks for sharing.
What a precious gift! I love that idea and want to do it for my children someday (at least if I live in a climate that allows! In the desert it’s a struggle for me to plant anything!).
hibler house- that tree is gorgeous!
rustandroses- i love the idea of a plant for each anniversary! that garden of yours must be so beautiful!
lin- you will learn. your mom has such a green thumb!
maltese kat- i love the idea of incorporating those flowers into the wedding. wow! that is grand!
in company with sparkles- maybe some cacti?! 😉
I love this idea! My mom has a plant from when my brother was 10. It’s now enormous, but it’s a sweet reminder of that birthday and the passage of time. those blossoms are gorgeous!
plants, flowers, trees are so special. when matt was born his dad planted an orange tree in their front yard (in orange county) and it’s still there today! so when kekoa was born, matt planted a pear tree in our backyard (since oranges don’t grow as well here in arkansas)! so that pear tree is kekoa’s special tree! keeping the tradition! also, since my name is iris, we planted irises in the front of kekoa’s room. i never had irises growing up in hawaii because i don’t think they grow as well over there. but you can bet we had plenty of plumerias and hibiscus growing at our house. in fact, my dad has a huge yard full of tropical flowers and fruits.
I love this idea!!! I think I’m getting tears in my eyes. So sweet… Tell True the tattoos are coming!! I was having trouble with my printer as we are trying to move it the studio and it’s being very stubborn about recognizing the computer here (?!).
so cute. but just an fyi — hydrangeas’ color changes depending on the nutrients in the soil. if you want it to come back next year that blazing pink, you’ll have to research with what nutrients you should fortify the soil you plant it in. If you (and True) like the idea of color change, plant it and just see what happens. Our light pink one we planted last year will likely bloom in deep purple this year due to the type of soil where we live!
canned goods- i had no idea!!! wow! that is cool. i will need to research how to keep it pink. my cousin was telling me hers changed colors, but i just brushed it aside thinking that her memory was failing her. haha… i guess i was wrong.
We have 2 huge hydrangea in our backyard…I agree with canned goods…it is depending on your soil. Ours is blueish/purple…I think it is on my profile. When I got married I create a bouquet of hydrangea….I love hydrangea also…I don't think I ever saw camillia…hmmm. I love your pink hydrangea…its gorgeous. I see you love flowers also. =D.