pure magic

October 29, 2010

first family trip to disneylandfirst family trip to disneylandfirst family trip to disneylandfirst family trip to disneylandfirst family trip to disneylandfirst family trip to disneylandfirst family trip to disneylandfirst family trip to disneylandfirst family trip to disneylandfirst family trip to disneylandfirst family trip to disneyland
Disney’s still got it. Ben hasn’t been back to Disneyland since he was 12 (he’s 35) and I haven’t been back since I was 20 and Disneyland still has the magic that I remember. We were so blessed because going to Disneyland is definitely not in our budget, but thankfully my cousin Jonathan works there and got us in and was our own personal Disney tour guide. It took the girls a bit of time as they are really shy (despite what pictures may show), but they warmed up to their Uncle Jonathan and we all had lots of fun together!
The girls lit up when we walked in, though I think they were going through sensory overload at the same time. They don’t watch too much television and they haven’t seen very many Disney movies, but they know enough to know who the main characters and princesses are. I think they were shocked seeing these creatures in real life and bigger than them!
A cute moment was when we were walking past the castle when True told me, “Mommy, my favorite is Snow White.” But when we finally got in front of Snow White, True’s shyness took over and she didn’t want to go meet her. I figured we would just gaze from afar, then, all of a sudden, I look up and she’s 3/4 of the way there to meet her by herself! True was both nervous and excited! She was absolutely delighted to meet her and take a picture with her (I think the picture shows her joy so perfectly!).
It was such a magical day and I was glad to spend it my prince and little princess’, and even with our personal tour guide Jonathan.
Thank you Uncle Jonathan for their Minnie ears (we owe you!) and treating us to such a wonderfully magical place!

The weekend is upon us and it is Halloween weekend, so we will have a special treat for you sometime this weekend. Don’t forget to check back. Have a good weekend friends!
p.s. The answer post will come soon, but keep your questions and suggestions coming if you have any!

18 comments on “pure magic”

  • Jenny says:

    How fun! Disney is such a magical place!

  • pictures came out great! Disney is magic

  • christina says:

    Your blog is so beautiful, and so is your family! So blessed by your sweet stories and adorable photos. I loved this post and cannot agree more about Disney as a magical place. I work there too and the novelty of it never dies. πŸ™‚

  • That is SO sweet!! (I love these photos!) I'm so glad your three girls had the chance to go (so wonderful when someone you know works at Disney!). And I love that story about True – it reminds me of when I was a little girl (I was just like that! πŸ™‚
    Actually, my bf and I are going to Disneyland this Halloween Sunday to see all the decorations (and fight through crowds, I'm sure!).

    Have a magical Halloween with your family, Ruby!! πŸ™‚

  • Meg says:

    what a special treat for your girls! that's so awesome! disneyland will never cease to be magical.

  • They are the perfect age for Disneyland! Someday they would make perfect princesses too!! πŸ˜‰

  • Jaime says:

    I love DLand in the fall & winter! It is so happy and festive. I am glad you all had a fun time! I love the magic of DLand too. In fact every year I cry while watching the Christmas fireworks. I have so many happy memories going there with my mom! I was always her favorite place on earth!

  • jane says:

    i CANNOT believe you went to disneyland and didn't tell me! i don't know whether to squeal with excitement or harumph with sadness that i didn't get to go too! i could've be your personal tour guide! hahaha!

    looks like you had a blast…
    p.s. my intern is cinderella and little mermaid if the girls ever want to meet her. πŸ™‚

  • Sini says:

    Looks so magical! I would love to visit in Disneyland, the one in Paris as USA is very far away πŸ™‚ But it's out of my budget too, sadly.

  • Elizabeth says:

    I am envious…our family loves Disneyland! Some of my shots from our trips and your shots are surprisingly similar. Thanks for stirring up those memories.

    • Connie says:

      Good to find an expert who knows what he’s taknlig about!

    • Have you ever thought about adding a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is important and everything. But think about if you added some great photos or videos to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with pics and clips, this blog could certainly be one of the greatest in its niche. Awesome blog!

    • AKAIK you’ve got the answer in one!

  • Pink Lady says:

    very cute those pictures!
    you are such a cute, beautiful & happy family! adorable!
    have a beautiful weekend!!! β™₯

  • danikreeft says:

    my word!
    your kids are so stunning, and you make such a lovely family. i'm sure you hear that a ton, but wow, amazing.

    and i LOVED going to disneyland as a 25-year-old last year…disney's definitely still got it!

  • your kids are so cute

  • oh my goodness we have been dying for a california vacation and this is just giving me the itch even more! beautiful pictures.

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