week end

February 26, 2011

It is a rainy and gloomy here in southern California and I am loving every bit of it. This week has been a better week and energy levels seem to be climbing back up, though I did spend a few days just in bed. I did get some sister and friend hang out times in, which also involved leaving the house, so that says a lot for how much better I am starting to feel.
Though, I also do feel a slightly bit restless. I think Ben and I have just gotten so comfortable in where we are, that we are getting itchy. We know that as christians we aren’t supposed to feel this comfortable. Really too comfortable. We aren’t venturing outside of our comfort levels and we are more concerned with the here and now and later (older later), but not enough with the eternity later. I am really praying for God to direct these feelings I have been having. Don’t mind me sharing this tidbit of my heart.
Our weekend plans include a weekend of working for Ben (boo!), a kid birthday party, more laying down, of course gathering with our church family (if you are looking for a church in l.a. please do come visit) and possibly my brother and sister coming over for dinner! Our parents have been out of the country with the middle sister, so my other siblings are parentless. They have been living off fast food and microwaveable meals. I think it is time we had them over!
Got any fun plans this weekend? I would love to hear about it!

16 comments on “week end”

  • Veronica TM says:

    so glad to read that you are doing better! i like your weekend plans. dave is working both sat. and sun. so fiona and i will meet some friends, watch movies, and maybe go to the park.
    it may rain here tomorrow too and i am so looking forward to it. the rain doesn't visit us enough here in the desert.

  • Jenna says:

    thanks for sharing that “tidbit” of your heart. don't worry, it is tough being a christian! God knows it isn't easy for us. i will pray that God directs you and gives you some sort of sign. ๐Ÿ™‚

    happy weekend!

  • Don't remember how I ended up in your blog…but I'm now a new reader/follower. I'm glad to find someone who lives in Southern California (like me). ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Enjoy your weekend, sounds like you nurture the whole world with your goodness & heart, love Posie

  • jozen says:

    Brunch with a friend!

    Have a great weekend ruby!

  • Allison says:

    Oh, I so know what you mean about the comfort level thing! I think it's good to reach a plateau every once in a while, because it's a real opportunity to ask God where we go next. When we don't see anything that immediately needs to be changed, we're more open to letting Him guide our choices. Phew, feeling a bit preachy there! Hope you have a fabulous weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

  • abi Porter says:

    your blog is so encouraging. it feels real.. like sitting down with a friend to catch up.
    i'm in the midst of a hard week emotionally.. i'm drained. so thanks for your encouraging words.. always.


  • mei says:

    hello there, I felt you spoke to my heart!
    at times I do feel a bit 'guilty' too when things go too well, you know like you just want to remain in that state forever….

    it's quite a weird position to be in but I wish you all the best anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

  • love those tidbits of the heart. they draw us closer to Him.

  • jessa says:


    I've been reading for a while now and just want to let you know how lovely I think your blog is. I am a mommy of just one sweet girl, almost 7 months, so I love reading about your sweet family.

    It's so easy to get comfortable, isn't it!? Stay encouraged!

  • Claire says:

    Please continue to share your heart. God has used you to further drive home a lesson that He has been teaching me. I have become lazy and complacent and comfortable as of late and I am reminded that needs to change, so thanks!

  • Jacki says:

    your blog is adorable. it's great you share your faith here too, and enjoy both your rain and sunshine in life. so true our nest of comfort will get shaken from time to time to keep us dependent on Him and the ultimate direction we're heading.

  • I used to confuse contentment in my faith with being “lukewarm” when it's not that at all. It's knowing that you're on the right path without question. Look for a good conference or something special to attend, to feed your spirit and give you new ideas or read some books on the history of our faith. I do want to say that you don't realize how much you reach out and touch others' spiritual life outside of your close circle. Isn't that exactly what you're supposed to do? You're doing it!

  • Jen says:

    thank you so much for this post. it's good to know that i'm not the only one struggling. =) xo

  • Rubyellen says:

    i do get nervous sharing these parts of myself. i know everyone doesn't believe what i do and may not share the same convictions, but at the same time, i feel so compelled to share these things. i think we can all learn and grow from one another!

    i am in such a state of discontent with where i am at spiritually and know what needs to get done, but am just too lazy to get into action. oh man oh man.

  • KK says:

    thanks for sharing… my continued prayers for you and your family.

    so glad to hear you're feeling better!

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