style help anyone?

April 21, 2011

style your space
Need help designing a home you love? Well, Rachel’s e-course is now up for grabs! Two lovely winners will be picked by the random robot.
This course is everything Rachel has learned about styling a beautiful home on a budget. She shares how to find your interior style, tips and tricks on arranging, interviews and room tours (one of which is mine) from eight other women whose own beautiful homes have influenced her style, and a few DIY’s to make things more fun.
All you have to do to enter is answer one or all of the questions below:
1. Tell me a little about your current style.
2. If you could buy anything for your home and money wasn’t an issue, what would it be?
3. Tell me about something you collect in your home.
Easy, right? The giveaway will end midnight on Sunday, April 24th PST and will be announced sometime Monday morning.
Get more info here or purchase here. Good luck!!!

96 comments on “style help anyone?”

  • My current style is relaxed messy.
    If I could buy anything for my home, I'd buy new kitchen cabinets.
    What I collect in my home: dust. I don't have a collection budget.

  • I just found your blog and I'm so glad I did! First of all, I love it…second of all, I am so happy to have found you in time to enter this giveaway!

    My current style is: Southern Gothic. Just kidding…I don't know! I live in a historic loft downtown Nashville and I mainly decorate with antique gilded mirrors, vintage upholstered furniture, and flowers. I need help!

    If I could buy anything for my home, I'd buy: An oversized birdcage full of butterflies.

    Something I collect in my home: I don't have any formal collections, but I do have a LOT of old books. My dad is into rare book hunting, and he brings me boxes of beautiful old books that I display in stacks πŸ™‚

    Keeping my fingers crossed!

  • mandiegirl says:

    I am a bit eclectic. I love old & new. My hubby & I are Eames fans- straight lines, but with a bit of texture to soften it up.

    If money weren't an issure, I'd buy my hubby the Herman Miller Eames chair that he loves…one day? πŸ˜‰

    I collect fiestaware, old and new.

  • Miss Money says:

    Style: I want more vintage
    Buy: A painter. To tackle my country blue walls
    Collect: cameras. Travel souvenirs.

  • Michele says:

    Eeeeee! I'm so excited that there's a chance to win this!

    1. I love old and new/modern and vintage mixed together. I'm also in love a lot of COLOR…everywhere!

    2. Man…I would die for this couch!

    3. Since early last year…I have had a habit of collecting bottles. I love old antique coke bottles, wine bottles, milk bottles…you get the point. Haha. I just love the history and tangible-ness of each one! When I'm holding one or see one, it automatically takes me back in time. They're also really easy to incorporate into designs because of their sizes.

    Sorry if I ranted too much! πŸ™‚

  • welliewalks says:

    my style is clean shabby chic. i love white walls- i think of them as gallery style. i like as much empty space as possible- not so easy in a small home. beachy feeling is great. i like the airy sunny pale fabrics that make it all feel effortless. i'd love to be a part of rachel's course and see all the inspiration! thanks for sharing!

  • Terri says:

    My current style is country/industrial.
    If money wasn't an issue, I would buy a clawfoot tub like the one I grow up using. : )
    What I collect— white framed mirrors.

  • Bailey says:

    1. My current style is mismatched. I really need help!
    2. If I could buy one thing for my home it would be a great sectional.
    3. I collect the letter L for my last name.

  • My current style is “fitting (almost) 32 years of life into two rooms of your parents house.” It's cluttered and sparse at the same time – I'd love to be able to get rid of some of the boxes and actually enjoy my space & stuff.

  • celena10 says:

    1. I'm don't think i have a style.. I wish I did.. I guess its just a relaxed mix of everything…
    2. I would get quality hardwood floors all over the house… oh oh… and beautiful art work … oh oh and ..
    3… Not sure if I collect anything.. I guess With my kids toys are everywhere and end up everywhere.

  • Ashley says:

    Yes, please! My husband and I just bought our first home and I'll be decorating as soon as we move in.

    1. My style is comfortable. I like things that feel welcoming. Light and airy also come to mind.
    2. I would replace my current living room set! I hate it! It is dark and big and completely not me. I would buy a sofa with two accent chairs to replace the current three piece set we have.
    3. Do ideas count? I'd say right now the only thing I've been collecting are ideas for things I someday want in my home!

  • Tanya M says:

    I want to do this class!! My style is eclectic/colorful/vintage. If I could buy anything, it'd be a black Modernica fiberglass dowel chair. I've been dreaming of one for years. I collect matryoshkas and piggy banks. I'm kitschy that way.

  • Chelsea Ling says:

    1. Tell me a little about your current style. I am sweet/vintage/old lady with a bit of witchyness throwin in

    2. If you could buy anything for your home and money wasn't an issue, what would it be? New flooring and wall coverings

    3. Tell me about something you collect in your home. I collect owls for the baby room

  • Kristi says:

    Oooh, yay! I fully plan on taking this class!

    My current style is a mix of modern and vintage. I love handmade and thrifted decor and clothing.

    I would love to buy a new sofa and chair for our family room!

    I love to collect vintage tablecloths and record albums.

  • Renae says:

    1. My style is mismashed, but mostly casual–w/ 5 kids I need easy.

    2. W/ whatever money I'd buy the fridge of my dreams or bamboo flooring for my kitchen/dining area.

    3. I actually try not to collect things with the limited space that we have in our home, but I love nativity sets.

  • I would love to win this course! I love vintage, and have lots of vintage collections that I like to decorate with. My current obsession is vintage doll furniture- I can't resist it!

  • srbrown6 says:

    Our home is very earthy/hippie. We have lots of greens and browns and natural colors. If I could buy anything it would be a green house!

  • cat says:

    Oh I would love to win this, I was going to purchase this course but things are tight right now…
    I live on a farm, so our style is simple, durable and Washable! Somthing random that I've always wanted is an antique apothecary chest…

  • Ooooh, I am so desperate for this course, but my pennies just wont stretch at the moment. My house is in desperate need of a new kitchen, all of the cabinet handles have fallen off!

  • apockylypse says:

    My current style & my home's style are two very different things. I love a lot of retro things, geeky things, with a dash of modern (but not more than a dash). My house on the other hand is very blah, bland & currently messy (wedding in 9 days).

    If I could buy anything for my home and money wasn't an issue? Oh dear…it would either be a new couch or a dining table. I have yet to ever own a new couch, or even buy a couch, so it would be nice to have one that is more me and less “just whatever I can get my hands on…cheap”. Also, our newish home has no dining table, so we are stuck eating on the floor or at our desks…which isn't how I like to spend every meal.

    As for something we collect in our home…it would have to be video games. My sweetheart and I are huge game nerds, which you can see from our wedding that is all video game themed. We both like to make things, but our crafting is in different mediums…so video games are the one thing we can do together and both really enjoy.

  • This class looks like so much fun! I'm getting married on June 5th and have lots of nesting to do πŸ™‚

    1. My style is very relaxed. I use a lot of neutral and light colors. I prefer my house to be a place to relax and forget the stress of the day. I love antiques! Most of my house is covered in them.

    2. If I could buy anything for my house I would buy a new set of floors. Right now we just have some ancient carpet in the living room and awful linolium in the kitchen. That's probably our biggest need. But, wishfully thinking I would buy myself all the things to decorate my craft room!

    3. I collect coffee mugs! My fiance and I only drink from mugs out of convinience but its become a really fun and easy thing to collect. I also collect antique calculators and math books. I'm a math major and a huge nerd so I really enjoy looking through old books and trying to use those ancient devices πŸ™‚

    Happy Easter! He is risen!!…in a few days anyway πŸ™‚

  • My style is not defined…. yet.
    I'd love to purchase an actual real bedroom set… still have husband's one pre- married stuff. We have a great art collection.

  • Sandi says:

    i would love to win this course! i could probably use some makeover help with my overall home decor. with that said…

    1. my style is a clash of mid century modern and contemporary

    2. a new couch! one that reflects our style. the ones we have (currently one's a sofa bed) were bought with intent to house out of town guests but they really aren't my taste.

    3. collections include mugs, vinyl designer toys and enameled bowls

  • yes please!!

    1. I love vintage mixed with French Rococo (feminine floral, etc.) and boho…it almost never mixes but I love it πŸ™‚
    2. hmm…that's hard…I've never thought about it before…although LAND 1-2 acres!!
    3. I collect seashells, glass jars, and buttons

    Sarah M

  • Khinna says:

    Too bad I already signed up for her e-course. I'm looking forward, because I need all the help I can get.

  • Ashley says:

    My style is very eclectic and a mix of many different styles. I really like so many types of home styling. Clean, modern, bold, graphic, warm, cozy, vintage, cottage, shabby… and so on πŸ˜›
    If I could buy anything for my home it would be a new/larger dining set. Ours is really too small for entertaining and almost too small for our growing family and it's really just not cute or my style. I want to paint it but even then I don't know if I would like it all that much.
    I don't really collect anything. My husband collects Star Wars action figures and I hate them but I'm making them work in our home and trying to get used to the idea that they are here to stay LOL

  • jozen says:

    My all time Fave designer is Sarah Richardson and I try to emulate her style in my own home.

  • Well, I can answer all three:
    1. I don't have a style. I have commitment issues and so my home is a hodgepodge in need of help.
    2. Grass for my back yard.
    3. Vintage Books! <3

    Thanks Rachel and Rubyellen for the opportunity!

  • mama*thayer says:

    Oh goodness I hope I win!

    We're getting ready to move cross country and I really want to take this class in hopes that it will help define our style. My husband and I have pretty conflicting styles and it's been a battle the last three years.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  • Marlee says:

    My current style is very eclectic. Everything we own was either inherited or from a thrift store. If I could by anything for my home and money wasn't an option – It would be a new mattress. As far as collections go I collect dia de los muertos and religious iconography.

  • brianna kim says:

    I am dying for this! I love Rachels styel and am excited about your home tour!
    Here are my answers
    1. I would say vintage-mid century-eclectic? haha
    2. the entire anthro home collection!
    3. anything with an owl on it!
    crossing my fingers!!

  • Brian says:

    Hi. Thanks for the giveaway.
    I'm vintage modern.
    I'd probably redo my kitchen-if money wasn't an issue-it isn't pretty.
    I'm trying to start a collection of vintage world globes and antique metal fans.
    I own a few vintage Pyrex pieces. I also have a mini collection of old cameras.

    [email protected]

  • Courtney says:

    1)My style is shabby chic — I like to take used items, paint them, and then distress them. I love when something looks old and worn.
    2)New furniture for the living room. Well, it could be used and that wouldn't bother me — it's just that we have limited seating and it's all hand-me-downs that are worn slap out.
    3)I actually don't collect anything. I tend to purge of things often and to the thrift store they go.

  • Shelli says:

    Great Give Away! πŸ™‚

    1. Tell me a little about your current style.

    My current style is very modern however I haven't honed into one specific style.

    2. If you could buy anything for your home and money wasn't an issue, what would it be?

    I would want to have an AMAZING kitchen!

    3. Tell me about something you collect in your home.

    I collect State Souviner Spoons, as well as cookie cutters! πŸ˜€

  • christine says:

    1. my style is modern with a vintage touch. comfy, eclectic, and fun.
    2.I dream of the day I can afford a sofa from Montauk Sofa. It's an amazing sofa company. I love all their styles.
    3. I collect Pez dispensers and classic books.

  • Mish says:

    1.My current style is vintage mixed with a tiny bit modern.
    2. If money were not an issue I would buy a lot of modern vintage furniture.
    3. Currently a collection I have going is vintage toys from my husbands and my childhood. I try to make the decorations in my home fun for our 3 kids and yet eye pleasing.

  • Hanna says:

    This is such a great giveaway! I am living in a house that my parents own, therefore have free reign to decorate how I would like. We were worried we would have to sell the house for financial reasons, but recently think we have come up with a plan to keep the house!

    This makes me want to put time and effort into the feel and comfort of the house.

    This would be the perfect inspiration and tool to help me!

    I would love to buy a pear green Kitchen Aid Mixer, though I don't have the resources or means to do so. I think it would be the perfect piece to pull my blue/yellow/green kitchen together.

    I will keep dreaming! Thanks for the chance to win a place in Rachel's awesome class!

  • Tang says:

    If I could buy anything for my home, it would be a whole bunch of vintage frames for photographs!

  • Estelle says:

    I would say my current style is minimalist/vintage/modern. I love quirky pieces from the past mixed in with a streamlined, up-to-date look.

    If money wasn't an issue, I would buy all new furniture! Almost every piece we own is secondhand – furniture is something we have never really invested in (I've been on my own for 13 years now!).

    I try not to collect anything because collections collect dust (hahaha), but if there's one thing I have alot of, it's fabric! I have more fabric than I have time to sew, that's for sure!

    Thanks so much!! πŸ™‚

  • Lili says:

    oh k so in our home we have a few collections going on but probably the most quirky would have to be the hordes of rolling pins that we've been given and a growing collection of tea pots, my two faves are these amazing embellished metal vintage ones they'er wonderful thats for sure

  • dvness says:

    great giveaway! i'm a huge fan of rachel and her e-courses.

    my current style is kind of bland and is in dire need of help. it's a mix of ikea furniture and a heap of baby toys strewn about from all corners of the living room! i love ikea but would love vintage-esque accents here and there.

    if i could buy anything for my home and money wasn't an issue i would probably buy a vintage accent chair. preferably in a light blue.

    i currently collect vases. i have a small, but growing collection, mostly from ikea, home goods, and pier 1.

  • Jenni says:

    i collect teapots (and teapot art) and concert posters! πŸ™‚

  • My style is a mix of country, family heirlooms, second-hand, cottage and a little modern. Now that I have a child I've added much more color.

    With some extra cash I'd like to replace the stained dining room carpet with wood. Or get a real wooden king-size bed (we only have a metal frame now). Or replace the drafty front door with a beautiful wooden door.

    I like pretty old dishes and will be looking for blue Pyrex at yard sales this summer. I like vintage family photos and want to make a whole wall of black and whites. My husband would say I like to collect shoes but I say there's not that many!

  • My current style is eclectic/vintage/artsy. I have pictures and paintings and artwork covering every wall and almost all thrifted furniture. If I could buy anything for my home I think I'd put in wood floors- everywhere, every room. I have a lot of collections… My current favorite is my gold framed mirrors (I have about 9 hanging on one wall in my bedroom!).
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  • 1. my current style is ethnic contemporary glam
    2. i would buy a outdoor pergola and vintage settee
    3. i like to collect blue and white ceramics from all around the world.

  • Ashley says:

    I love this!

    My style is eclectic with a vintage touch. If money wasn't an issue, I would buy an old library card catalog, I would use it to hold all of my crafts. And I love to collect mason jars to hold all types of things- pens, makeup brushes, paint brushes,etc.

  • whisper says:

    1. my style is very natural and minimalist; i like using leaves, dried flowers, wood, and the colors i see when i look out of my window. i want my space to look as though it is nestled in the middle of a forest.
    2. I have always wanted a window seat, and the moment i have a home and the means of making one, i will have one. possibly even before i have a bed.
    3. i collect bottles of every size, shape, and color, as well as collecting various tidbits from outside (leaves, flowers, rocks, pinecones, branches–just about anything).

  • Anne says:

    My current style: whatever you'd call moving a three bedroom house into two rooms! Most everything I own for furniture came from auctions or garage sales, so it's a little funky. I have no closets, and no room right now, so the first thing I'd buy is an outbuilding to use as a studio so I'd have room to build some closets in here once all the art stuff was out of the way! I collect dust and cobwebs–the walls in here are barn boards and the ceiling is beamed with irregular barn beams. I actually collect sheep, crows, and rabbits in a variety of media. Anne, yourmainestamper

  • Katie-Lee says:

    My current style: white with lots of muted pastel-y colors…sigh. I love color!!!

    If money wasn't an issue, I'd buy a house. Right now we are living in my in laws basement because our condo in a different city still hasn't sold and we moved (because of work) 6 months ago. It is so hard living in a tiny basement and sharing a kitchen and a fridge with other people. I am dying to NEST!!! I forget what it feels like to have my own home.

    I collect jars and fun types of vases to hold everything in…


  • we definitely need help with our home! I was actually looking on her site about that e-course.

    1. we don't have a current style. I think we just try to survive day to day without losing children in our mess hehe πŸ˜‰

    2. I would buy an extra bedroom so my daugther's room isn't a makeshift room (she has the formal dining turned into a bedroom)

    3. we collect medical supplies. hehe ok not really but it does feel like it because of all the med supplies my girly requires on a daily basis =)

  • brandy; says:

    i collect piggy banks… i have them everywhere!!

  • katie says:

    if i could get anything for my home, it would probably be a giant padded headboard. i think they're so adult and pretty πŸ™‚
    i'll probably ending up trying to make one before ever throwing down the cash though.

  • Debbie says:

    Our current style is modern/contemporary and LOTS of brown (yuck). I'd really love to have some color in my home but not too matchy matchy.

    If money wasnt an issue, I'd have my bathrooms redone!

    I collect fridge magnets and mugs as souvenirs of our travels (because i love coffee and i use a different mug everyday)

  • Stella says:

    Oooh! My friend just signed up to this course, it sounds awesome!
    1. My current style is eclectic. A little bit of everything! Mostly vintage, handmade, with the odd modern thing thrown in.
    2. A smeg fridge, or a claw-foot bath, or a huge hutch dresser for displaying my collections…
    3. So many things! My house is overflowing with books, crocheted blankets, vintage toys, wicker baskets and vintage kitchen items.. To name a few…

  • colebern says:

    Answers to Questions:

    1. Oh style, how do I define you? Well my home is the opposite of my closet as it is full of earthy tones and no black.

    2. I really would like new couches. I currently have some hand-me-down love seats which do not accommodate my very tall boyfriend nor my very tall self.

    3. Art! I started collecting art while working in a frame shop. This allowed me to have even the cheapest art print look like a masterpiece. I still have a barter system with the shop and have a stack of art to get framed, piece by piece.

  • Leslie says:

    I collect angel figures and lots of pictures of my kids on the wall.

    [email protected]

  • 1. Mid-Century classics meets 50's dime store kitsch. All in a mostly minimal way!
    2. Noguchi coffee table…but maybe wait another year or two…cuz' my 8 year old…would have it super finger smudgy!
    3.Donkeys pulling wagons planters!

  • Romi says:

    If Money wasn't an option for me, if I could spend any amount I desired, I would but a house, not something for it… I would buy a house.

  • oh man! I'm reeeeally crossing my fingers for this one!

    1. My art is influenced a lot by lines and patterns, so our house is full of patterns. I specifically like the color and patterns in mexican, indian, and bohemian home decor. I'm always on the lookout for those.

    2. If money weren't an issue, I'd get our sunroom remolded so I can start my indoor garden already!

    3. My husband and I collect jars, old cameras, vintage cookbooks, and kitschy magnets for the fridge.

  • Erin says:

    If money was not an issue, I would buy a new bed frame. Sharp lines, lots of wood, sleek finish, unique headboard….. I can dream can't I?! πŸ™‚

  • katie says:

    we definitely love mid-century & have been dreaming of owning a mccobb dresser for pretty much ever. πŸ˜‰

  • stephanie says:

    i'd say my style is a mix between mid-century, ikea and rustic charm. y'know, to keep it real.

    if i could get anything for the house, i think it would be a new couch. big, stylish, comfy and durable. we spend so much time in the living room it would be awesome!

  • Fritzi Marie says:

    My current style is girlie vintage mixed with library chic'. My husband is a poet (so we collect a lot of books and typewriters) and I make things pretty and sell vintage (I collect vintage dishes and glasses and pretty linens and quilts). Our home is full of hand me downs that have been transformed to mix with our vintage treasures that we have picked up through the years. Our one thing that we would love to get for our home would be a vintage chesterfield sofa and have it re-uphoulstered in navy. That and we are saving up for a SMEG refridgerator.

    What a lovely giveaway.
    Wishing you love,
    Fritzi Marie

  • Paige says:

    My style is vintage + modern + minimalism. I would buy a giant gift card to ikea if I had an unlimited budget, and I collect milk glass. xo
    [email protected]

  • My current style is toddler… Dora and Sesame Street galore! Besides that, though, I like pictures and plants (that die because my cats eat them) and interesting lighting.

    I unintentionally collect owls (people buy owlie things for me because I'm obsessed with the animal).

    If I could buy anything, it would be fountains. I love the sound they make. However, I can only afford the cheap ones that break or whose pumps overpower the sound of the water.

  • If I could buy anything it would be a vintage cupboard to hold the kids' art supplies and another couch. Here's to dreaming!

  • Bethany says:

    my style is eclectic vintage. if i could buy anything it would be newly reupholstered vintage living room furniture. or maybe just a class to learn how to reupholster the vintage pieces i already have. i have a thing for vintage textiles… yep, have way too many, so of course, I bought some more today.

  • Dannielle says:

    1. Well I am a newlywed so I feel like I am barely discovering my style.. I like the vintage/modern/shabby chic.. so basically eclectic especially because I feel like I cannot make up my mind. This is why I want to win the CLASS.. I need it! πŸ™‚

    2. I would like a shopping spree to the Pasaden Flea Market!!! (I know that indirectly answers the questions.) I want to buy everything but cannot afford it, hence I am a newlywed and a struggling teacher…

    3. I collect a few things… lanterns (the ones you put candles in), vintage pyrex stuff, vintage frames

  • stochastic says:

    My style is a little vintage, a little bag lady πŸ™‚ But I like it like that!

    I would love to find some beautiful midcentury furniture for a steal. I've definitely run across some before, but want to save the purchase for a time/place where our cats won't scratch it up.

    I collect Walter Anderson Shearwater pottery!

    Samantha πŸ™‚

    mmmbrains (at) gmail (dot) com

  • Emily Lynn says:

    My style is pretty relaxed. Most everything in my bedroom is from Urban Outfitters. Most everything is also grey too. I do love antiques and hand crafted items though, I have several.

    If I could buy anything for my house it'd be a set of Le Crueset cookware. For sure.

    I have been collecting things for my future kitchen, I live in a dorm room right now. I have canisters, lots of pyrex bowls, bread pans, a giant fork and spoon, etc. I can't wait to put them all on display some day!

  • Natalie says:

    My style is comfortable modern. I don't have an interior design bone in my body so I would so love to win!

  • Sini says:

    There is no style in our home, it's messy and furnitures doesn't match at all. Half of these are not even ours πŸ˜› we can't afford to do big changes quickly, so we are living in the mess until slowly it will be nicer πŸ™‚

    If I could buy anything here, I would get new sofa. A big sofa, big enough to lie down and my back wouldn't hurt if we watch tv. Another thing would be a banket for the tv and bookself.

    I have collection of finnish design dishes from company “Arabia” and I love every thing I have here, it reminds me of home.

  • 1. Tell me a little about your current style.
    –Our current style is modern contemporary.

    2. If you could buy anything for your home and money wasn't an issue, what would it be?
    –I would have to say a new home :). But I guess your asking about a thing in our current home :). In that case, it would be a nice, comfy and relaxing bed. I could really use a good night's rest.

    3. Tell me about something you collect in your home.
    –I love candles. I have so many of them. I just can't stop buying.

  • 1. Tell me a little about your current style.
    2. If you could buy anything for your home and money wasn't an issue, what would it be?
    3. Tell me about something you collect in your home.

    1.My current style is mostly mid century vintage I guess. Still very mixed though.

    2. I think I would buy a beautiful sidboard for our living room.

    3. I collect globes and beautiful vintage items for the home πŸ˜‰

  • delliechan says:

    Hmm My style is actually similar to Rachels – but without quite as many of the awesome furniture finds – unfortunately the variety is just sooooo much smaller in Australia

    It would actually be a bed and mattress – we have always had hand me downs, Id love a lush delux soft comfortable new bed.

    I collect soaps and display them in a vintage wire basket in the bathroom. I also love vintage kids books – the latest being a beautiful Puppet Party book from 1971 – gorgeous images.

  • Nicole says:

    Ohh! I'd LOVE to win this!
    1. My style is pretty modern. I like clean lines and very little clutter, but I'd like to add more vintage.
    2. I'd buy a big, beautiful bed.
    3. I collect books for my dream libraby I'll have someday!

  • Rae says:

    1. my currant style is vintage and pretty cluttered. i really need some help taming it. i would love to have a more curated vintage look.
    2. there is a mid century hutch at one of my favorite antique stores that i have been drooling over forever that would by.
    3. one of my many collections is vintage pictures with dogs in them. i have them hanging in shadow boxes in my dining room.

  • Libby says:

    1. My current style is trying to be neat, but cluttered, full of colour and things that hold importance to me, and homespun.
    2. I would buy an aga & a kitchen aid. Oh, and maybe a window seat.
    3. Books. Lots and lots and lots of books.

  • Dawn says:

    I'm not sure I have A style. I love flea market finds, chalk boards, anything that can make my home feel like a home and somewhere that makes you feel welcome to kick your shoes off and stay a while! If money wasn't an issue I'd buy new couches for sure…collections? Somehow I've started a collection of bowls??

  • I collect milkglass pieces. My mother has been giving them to me gradually for years and years. I love them because they can blend with almost any style (except perhaps uber-modern, which I am not).

  • Ari says:

    The first thing I would buy would be a long, old kitchen table with mistmatched vintage chairs and a bench for one side. I also collect vintage pyrex. It makes my kitchen so happy πŸ™‚

  • lauracruz says:

    My current style is mostly based on colors. I've picked certain colors for each room of the house and just go crazy at the thrift shop with whatever I find. Would love to get the e-course to learn more!

  • Rozen says:

    1. Unfortunately I'm still feeling out what my “style” for our new home is. We (the hubby and I) are brand new home owners and we are still trying to figure out how to decorate our new home.

    2. I would buy floor to ceiling bookcases to cover a whole room! I've always dreamed of my own library.

    3. I've started to collect white picture frames, and prints with biblical phrases on them to put in those white picture frames…

  • lisavengesta says:

    i have no current style. i know what i like, but i have trouble translating it into a cool house! i'd love to win this, because i honestly need all the help i can get! πŸ™‚
    lisa ([email protected])

  • 1. My current style is a mix of mid-century modern, shabby chic, and junk decor.

    2. In a heartbeat, I would buy some metal wardrobes, lockers and cupboards. I love midcentury metal storage and I don't have closets in my house.

    3. I collect everything. I'm a total junk collector and have started so many random collections over the years. Vintage toys are one of my favorite things to collect, especially Fisher Price Little People and all that goes with them! πŸ™‚

    ~ Jennifer

  • miss indie says:

    Sweet giveaway!

    My current style is a mix of vintage kitsch and handmade cuteness, with lots of color mixed in.

    I'm currently doing a feature on my blog called The 'Dream Home' Series and it's all about how my house would look if I won the lottery and could decorate it however I want –

    Right now i'm collecting vintage pyrex, toy cameras, granny square blankets + quilts, and old picture frames [to be spray painted and decorated for photos and jewelry displays].

  • Anastasia says:

    The style at our condo is contemp now – a lot of steel and glass. But it's just because at that point this is what we had, now I am dreaming about a house with country or cottage style. I love lots of light and white. If I could buy anything and money wouldn't be in question, I would buy a house with nice property or better yet build one wxactly the way I want it! πŸ™‚ yeh…

  • My Chicago city apartment is classic/cottage. A mix of Pottery Barn & Anthro. πŸ™‚ If I could buy anything for my home right now it would be a really pretty white wood filing cabinet (how boring is that!) but I need the storage in my home office and most of the fling cabinets out there are so not lovely! πŸ™‚ I collect latte bowls from Anthro and the Emma dish collection from Pottery Barn.

  • carrie says:

    style: found/thrifted eclection – a bit of vintage, some mod, a tad shabby, a smidge junk drawer – mixed with homemade stuff/kid art. Colorful.

    buy anything for my home?: a 2nd story sleeping porch with swinging beds that hang from the ceiling.

    collect: books (esp old ones), globes, chalkboards, alphabet letters, (sounds like i should change the definition of my style to “schoolhouse”).

    anyway, i would totally love to take that e-course!

  • Connie says:

    I guess I don't really have a style! That's probably my problem. I'll usually just buy things that make me smile. They vary from vintage & grandma-y to modern & efficient.

  • Paris says:

    My style seems to be changing right now, but normally very vintage, but recently very into industrial and modern. I think kids has made me want things more sturdy than all the cute vintage stuff that makes me swoon πŸ™‚ If I could buy anything for my house, it would be anthropologie curtains. I need like 4 panels to cover my front windows!!! I seem to collect vintage postcards without even meaning too πŸ™‚

    Thanks Ruby!!!

  • Sandra says:

    I describe my current style as “eclectic me.” I buy things I like and mix until it looks right to me.

  • Sandra says:

    If I could buy anything for my home, it would be a beautiful hand crocheted rug I saw on Etsy (unfortunately, I think the shop has closed). But it was beautiful!

  • Sandra says:

    It seems that I collect wall art. I don't think I set out to do this, but I have just found so many pieces that I like+purchased that it has turned into a collection of sorts.

  • Nadia says:

    1) My current stye is an mix of super feminine colors and patterns, vintage finds, and *trying* to keep clutter free.
    2) If I could buy anything for my home it would be a vintage velvet love seat and side chair set. I found the dreamiest mustard yellow set at a charity thrift store not long ago, but I did not have the means nor space for it πŸ™ Definitely the set that got away!
    3) I have many collections, but my most prized is my collection of silkscreened concert posters.

  • tasha says:

    1. my current style is smth between eclectic and minimalism, i think
    2. if I could buy anything for my home it would be an antique chandelier
    3. i don't collect anything actually, but somehow i have a pretty collection of all types of hedgehogs =)

    tnank you)

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