November 29, 2011

another slow mondayanother slow mondayanother slow mondayanother slow monday
I seriously slept in up until the minute Ben declared he was leaving for work. He is such a trooper in the mornings, getting all the three big girls fed, making his own lunch, and ironing is his own clothes. Once this baby starts sleeping through the night, I definitely want to get back to waking up a tad earlier.
This was definitely a slow Monday after the long holiday weekend. I did need a jumpstart of pumpkin bread sprinkled with chocolate chips, warmed up a bit, and served with a side of pumpkin ice cream to help with the laziness. That was a perfect cure to the lazies. Then, it was off to (home)school we go.
It is amazing to watch the progress of True and Brave. Seriously. I know I was a teacher before, but I was very skeptical of my ability to teach them how to read. I taught fourth grade, not kinder, so I was quite scared of the whole beginning process. I love upper grade curriculum, so teaching little ones scared the daylights out of me. I think now we are at the point where they are able to put sounds together and make words and can read short sentences, so I am breathing much more easily.
More fun comes in when I am able to take history and science lessons and make a bit more fun out of it. I remember when I was teaching, I loved making pictorial charts to teach concepts and am so glad that my girls are visual learners too. As I talk about a story in history or science, I draw it out and it really sticks to their minds so much more and it helps when they have to retell it back to me. For those curious, I use Story of the World for my history and My Body for science. Some days I miss the challenge of being in the classroom, but I am glad that now I get the best of both worlds by making my home a classroom and having my girls for students.

14 comments on “SLOW MONDAY”

  • Rae Veda says:

    That breakfast looks so yummy! I would love to wake up every morning to that. xo, rv

  • Megan says:

    Mmmm decadent dessert for breakfast πŸ™‚ love it! Keep up the great work with teaching…it seems like a tough job!

  • Dawn Trest says:

    I love lazy days so much…and man, dessert or breakfast! That's the best πŸ™‚
    Hope you have an equally lovely Tuesday!
    xo, Dawn

  • Melanie says:

    Love those peaceful days too, especially when pumpkin bread is involved. πŸ™‚
    Thanks for the info on the books you're using! Both look really interesting! My son goes to public school, but I'm always looking for extra materials to supplement what he is learning at school. he would especially love the body book, but I'd also like to work this through with my daughter who is 4. Did you buy a book for each of the girls or has 1 been enough to work from?

  • Rubyellen says:

    melanie- one has been enough to work from and you just make copies from that! i love how simple the body book is. the story of the world book takes a bit more tweaking for the little ones, but nonetheless a very good one.

  • I'm glad the Lord is giving you the wisdom and equipping with everything you need to teach those girls!

    He smiles over you

  • jane says:

    are you sure you miss the classroom?! haha!

    i love that glow sucks her thumb… just like her buddy, isaiah! πŸ™‚

  • Rubyellen says:

    jane- i miss my co-workers most! πŸ˜‰

  • I'm having the same experience with homeschooling (our kids are roughly the same age) and it's so wonderful to really see them progressing! It is the best of both worlds!

  • That picture of your sweet baby sucking her thumb is so precious!

    We love Story of the World, too. :)I highly recommend it to all homeschoolers. My kids always enjoy when we read from it.

    ~ Jennifer

  • Mariana says:

    Glow is sOOO cute!

    Breakfast looks yummy! πŸ™‚

    And your (home)school seems to be really interesting. I've always been a visual learner, too.

  • may i ask what your using to teach your wee's how to read? i am looking for idea's! thanks! melanie

  • Sara says:

    We miss you!
    And…I've been teaching Kinder for 8 years now (!) And I'm always amazed along the way….what a journey!

  • Erin says:

    I'm glad that you said that you tweak SOTW for your littles. I use it with my children too. I thought that some of the topics in that first volume about ancient civilizations (pagan civilizations) was just too much for their little minds and hearts.

    Keep it up! We are all cheering for you!

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