
August 10, 2012

braveYes! Friday’s here! This week has been a crazy week as Ben and I started it with a fight. We really rarely fight, but when we do… watch out. At least watch out for me. I am not a clear headed fighter. I throw things, but I don’t yell. But if you tell me to stop yelling when I’m not, then by golly, I am going to yell. *wink* And after talking with my friend, I realized I am totally the guy because if we fight, I can totally still sleep, whereas Ben tossed and turned and only got an hour in. We’re friends again now, so all is well. This weekend is my mom’s birthday and we have plans to go to the OC Fair before they move on out. It’s tradition, so we make sure to go every year. The girls are really excited about it and frankly, so am I! I just hope this insane heatwave we’re having over here cools off by tomorrow.

This week’s learned and links…

Glow is so good at eating what we’re eating these days. It totally saves us money to not to have to buy baby food anymore. Now, if only Soul would start using the potty!

Brave is quite efficient and always remembers to bring her empty dishes to the sink.

Making whip cream is this easy? I am going to try next time instead of buying the ones loaded with hydrogenation.

Don’t forget to RSVP for our vintage sale!

Wish I could go to this Mer Mag and Gap collaboration event, but we already have plans. If any L.A. peeps want a fun event to go to, you should check it out here!

Love this magazine display.

The jewelry from this shop is so pretty!

I can’t wait to have some funnel cake at the fair tomorrow. Other than that, totally not a fan of fair food.

I hope you all have a great weekend and try to keep cool wherever you are! We have one week until school starts… how did summer go by so fast?!!


9 comments on “huzzah!”

  • allison says:

    Homemade whipped cream is seriously the easiest thing you can make! Chilled whipping cream + a mixer= fluffy whipped cream! Just make sure that you stick your beaters in the fridge/freezer for a little first! Now that i don’t eat dairy I’ve been planning on making whipped cream from coconut milk!

    I love the hangers for magazine display! Thanks for sharing the link:)

  • I am a thrower of things when I am angry too, while my husband is more mature in those times, though sometimes lifts his voice up, but we also don’t fight too often at all. Thing is he can sleep and I have a hard time doing so.
    I am very happy to hear you are able to work out your differences. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • heather says:

    the fair cooled off after the sun set yesterday and it was beautiful! not too sure about the daytime we got there later.

  • jane says:

    i love fair food- just can’t have it.

    we always make homemade whipped cream… SO much yummier! AND we will find things to eat it with. haha! fresh berries are so yummy with homemade whipped cream.

    you are so funny! ๐Ÿ™‚ and thank you thank you so much for my gifts (again). i LOVE them. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • deirdre says:

    Amen for the homemade whipped cream. amazing huh?!

  • Jessica G. says:

    That picture is so freaking cute!

    I’ve actually hand-whipped whipped cream before. It takes like 20ish minutes and your hand and arm will be killing afterward, but it is fun. And, I say try it just as plain whipped cream the first time you do it. I like it that way. Then add vanilla extract the next time. But, definitely no need for added sugar.

  • helen says:

    I LOVE MAKING WHIPPED CREAM!! it’s tastes soo much better that way, too ๐Ÿ™‚ see you soon, hopefully!!

  • mer says:

    Have so much fun at the fair! We’ll miss you at the GAP but I’ll be sending your little cakies some love via the mail. (I’m totally a thrower…pretty much look like a my three year old when I’m too flustered and upset….)


  • doxgukka says:

    i was not aware that people DIDNT know how to make whipped cream???

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