
February 1, 2014

homeThis week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

We’re reading The Canterbury Tales and the girls are loving the stories!

Wanna read my tip on how I keep my home from looking like a toy store explosion? Read it on Apartment Therapy here.

Cute Love Day dresses made by the mama from City Kid Style.

I’m so going to cook this next week.

True officially has her big girl bed and now I’m on the hunt for some cute bedding! Any suggestions?

Loving the new clogs Lotta from Stockholm has in stock!

Miss my friend Melody and so glad I have her blog to see what she’s up to!

I ordered my planner for the year and I can’t wait for it to get here. Yes, I know, I’m totally a month late. Better late than never right?!

I’ve been following along with a one year Bible reading plan. I’m praying that I stay consistent this year. I usually fall off the wagon when March comes around.

Thankful for some family time with my family last Sunday. We live close, but don’t see each other too often. We’re all such busy folk!

It’s February 1st and next week I will have some more Valentine’s Day projects for you! Happy weekend friends!!!

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