pepper plants in zinc pots

June 5, 2014

pepper in zinc potspepper in zinc potsgardeninggardeningpepper in zinc potspepper in zinc potspepper in zinc potspepper in zinc potspepper in zinc potsWe’re running out of garden space, so we’re using containers to continue growing more fruits and vegetables. We purchased 4 large zinc pail planters, Ben drilled several holes in the bottom, and we potted some sweet and hot peppers. We also had some empty metal containers (that once held strawberries) just sitting there unused, so we added new soil and planted more sweet peppers in those.

We use about 7-8 habaneros in our meal every Friday night, so I’m excited to be able to grow them in our garden instead of buying them at the grocery store. Peppers are on the “dirty dozen” list of high pesticide-filled fruits/veggies (see full list here), so it’s one of the top things we want to make sure and grow ourselves.

The spicy peppers we’re growing are serranos (1 in the ground and 1 in a container), ghost peppers, and habaneros (2 in the ground – 1 red and 1 mustard – and 1 mustard in the container). The sweet bell pepper plants we have are a red, orange, lilac, and pinot noir… sounds kind of fancy, doesn’t it?!


4 comments on “pepper plants in zinc pots”

  • Cait says:

    The planters are gorgeous! I especially love the rusted ones. We are growing sweet peppers too (I don’t really do spicy, though I need to experiment more with some mild ones!), because of the dirty dozen list and the fact that organic ones are super expensive. So I will be thrilled if we get a lot of peppers! We have amazing lucky growing lettuce too. Other than that we’re not too ambitious, especially with babies around. I always love hearing about your garden! The trees fascinate me so I’d be excited to hear more about that.

    • Rubyellen says:

      If it weren’t for my husband’s zeal with it, we wouldn’t have much of a garden too. It takes a lot of time. He’s just determined to be able to grow our own produce section because of all the pesticides used these days.

  • nikki says:

    so awesome to plant peppers!! they are a staple in my house too!


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