Florals & foliage
1. Print out template and trace onto cardboard. Cut out cardboard.
2. Gather florals & foliage outside. Glue onto the cardboard mask cut out. Once decorated, allow glue to dry completely.
3. Insurer skewer into one side of the cardboard. Glue in place, if necessary.
We loved making these NATURE MASKS! They came out so beautiful and it would be fun to have a nature masquerade ball. I can imagine lots of decor for a party like that (when parties can happen again).
Go for a nature walk with that family and gather some bits to make a mask! And don’t forget to share what you’re making with us.

If you don’t have access to a printer, feel free to make your own and share it with the rest of us! Always happy to have you share the project, just don’t forget to tag and credit please.
See more ART A DAY projects here.