Construction paper
1. Print out the template and cut out.
TIP: Cut construction paper down to 8.5”x11” to print directly onto colored paper.
We printed 2 copies of the template in each of the colors.
2. Trace shapes onto construction paper and cut out.
3. Tie yarn to the dowel and glue each cut out shape on.
Put multiple cut outs on one strand of string, and vary placement, color, and number of pieces to get a layered looks.
Easy project to make, and especially fun to do if you’re studying Matisse. We love how colorful and eye catching this wall hanging turned out to be!

If you don’t have access to a printer, feel free to make your own, and be sure to share your creation with the rest of us! We’d love to see! And as always, happy to have you share the project, just don’t forget to tag and credit please. Thank you!
See more ART A DAY projects here.