pacific northwest road trip: day seven

October 22, 2010

day seven: portlandday seven: portlandday seven: portlandday seven: portlandday seven: portlandday seven: portlandday seven: portland
day seven: portlandday seven: portland
I think living in Portland is like living in a forest. There are trees everywhere and it is so, so pretty! I am so jealous. The trees there are quite unlike the smog-brown green trees of southern California.
Since we were on vacation, most days got to a really late start, so we grabbed a late lunch at Andina (if you are ever in Portland… you. must. eat. here.), then we drove out to Multnomah Falls and did a sort of Twilight tour (I saw where they held their prom and it totally felt like I was in Forks!). After enjoying God’s beautiful creation, we headed to Mississippi and did some strolling. It was another day of enjoying Portland and its yummy food!

15 comments on “pacific northwest road trip: day seven”

  • Nelle says:

    Oh wow Ruby! It just looks so beautiful.

    I am remembering the not-smiling in photos challange you had, but now I am thinking, well you look so nice when you smile, so why try do otherwise? I mean, it's not like I see you smiling in a pic and think 'why can't she be serious?' – it's a photo, of course you're smiling. =) Anyway, sorry if you came to this conclusion some time ago already!

    Thanks for sharing the photos of the scenery, your family and mmm more food. xo

  • amy D says:

    Ruby- i have really enjoyed seeing all these pictures from your family's vacation. looks like you all had a blast ๐Ÿ™‚ your family is just the most precious thing ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for sharing!

  • Charis Hil says:

    new to your blog love all the photos of your family! they are more than adorable.

  • Kristin says:

    Looks beautiful! I am loving seeing your family road trip by day. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I have a question: Do your girls dress them selves or do you dress them, or a combination? They always look so cute!

  • kiko says:

    Oh I LOVE portland. Thanks for sharing this. Everything to do with Oregon makes me happy. I have some special friends there and go there often! but not often enough! You must check out Kennedy School and Alberta Street in NE portland if you are still there. In fact there are 1000 other awesome places in Portland to visit!!

  • Whitney says:

    Y'all are so cool.
    So, so cool.
    I want to go to Portland now!

  • Meg says:

    seriously, you guys are so stinking cute!! i want to visit portland so, so badly!

  • Hi! I'm laughing because your link sent me into a Twilight relapse and I ended up spending an hour reading the last book Stephanie posted!!! Now I'm back and you've already posted two more times!!! You have sold me on a visit to Portland. Now to talk Craig into it… (should be easy!) xo b.

  • p.s. the photos of you two are so adorable… how do you take them???

  • Misha Lulu says:

    very ROMANTICO!!!
    Cool People!

  • Amanda says:

    I've been loving all your vacation posts. And all the food you enjoyed looks amazing!!

  • I'm a Twilight junkie so I think its really cool you got to see where they shot the prom scene ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • how charming says:

    simply breathtaking photographs! looks like a wonderful time!!!

  • Peta says:

    these are lovely!

    do you use a tripod to do all the family/couple ones?

  • Becky says:

    fantastic pictures of what looks like a spectacular trip!

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