misha lulu art show and my floral wreaths

September 8, 2014

floral felt crownfloral felt crownfloral felt crownfloral felt crownI disappeared for a bit, but the end of last week was just so busy with homeschooling. My best friend texted me and said, “You haven’t blogged. Are you alive?!” I am indeed, but it’s been hustle bustle over trying to get our new routine down (and curriculum) for this new school year. On top of that, I have been preparing to be part of the Misha Lulu Art Show happening this coming Saturday at Leanna Lin’s Wonderland in Eagle Rock.

The show will be featuring Misha Lulu and all her wonderful works of art (her paintings are amazing!). The additional collaborators are Gracie Miller, Miko Design, who is coming all the way from the Netherlands, and me. I’m so excited to be sharing some of my felt floral wreaths for the show! I love using them to decorate a spot on the wall, and my girls like to steal them as crowns for their heads. There will be 10 there (and one dollhouse pillow) available for purchase, and they will eventually be up for purchase on Leanna Lin’s Wonderland online shop as well (if they don’t all sell that evening).

I know everyone has been working hard on it and I can’t wait to see it all come together. Unfortunately, I won’t be there since it’s Glow’s birthday, but I can’t wait to hear how it all turns out.  I’m sure it will be such a fun evening, so if you’re free this Saturday, I hope you can make it (and please snap lots of pictures for me)! #mishaluluartshow

misha lulu art show



our date with glow

September 4, 2014

glow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiglow's date with mommy and papiThe big three recently went on a sleepover, so Ben and I used that time to take Glow on a special date to go fruit picking. Obviously, the location was clearly chosen by Ben, but this baby of ours couldn’t care less where it was as she had us all to herself. Actually, Ben was vacillating back and forth between us, the fruit, and our tour guide, but compared to having to vie for our attention with the other girls, she was the main star.

Oh she’s such a little ham, but especially when she’s by herself, and she does so much more talking. I think it’s nice to be able to get these one on one times with each of the girls. Ben and I have discussed doing weekly one-on-one dates with the kids; we are hoping to put it into action soon. Time is flying by and we’re trying to do what we can to treasure these moments while we have them.

We spent the evening walking through Adams Acres and Glow was so excited to try all the fruit Mr. Adams was offering us. She was taking charge in leading me through the orchards and was just having the time of her life roaming (and jumping) through this new place. Of course, we were intrigued with all the different things that are grown there, and as proof we came home with bags of fruit, and 5 watermelons (yellow and orange varieties). This just furthered our dreams of having our own u-pick farm one day. It was such an enjoyable evening and I’m so thankful that we were able to give the baby some undivided attention. I think special dates like these are necessary to give each of our children, and I’m hoping we get consistent at carving out time for times like this.


loving: beci orpin’s home

September 3, 2014

fridge magnetsfridge magnetsfridge magnetsfridge magnetsfridge magnetsfridge magnetsI bought Beci Orpin’s book Home from Amazon when it came out several months back. I was just drawn to the cover, so I bought it. I love the color scheme of the book, it’s totally the color scheme I gravitate to, and the projects are just so fun and quirky. Really such an inspiring book! And though we have had it for awhile now, it’s just this past weekend that I handed it to the girls and said, “Pick a project.” They picked the fridge magnets and I love how their’s turned out. From order from the top to bottom: True’s, Brave’s, Glow’s (really done by True and Brave), and Soul’s.

fridge magnetsAnd there’s our fridge decked out in my daughters’ artwork… just the way I like it!


first day of school

September 2, 2014

first day of school 2014first day of school 2014first day of school 2014Their first day of school was to their enrichment classes (we homeschool, but they go to a school once a week), and they each picked what outfit they wanted to wear the night before. Brave picked her birthday dress and True picked out this dress that we made together for my book, Let’s Sew Together. I have don’t have a pattern to share for Brave’s, but if you want to make True’s dress, there are instructions and a pattern for it in my book. It’s actually reversible too! Their backpacks are also projects in the book, and their lunch bags were projects in the pre-order packets that came with the book if you pre-ordered it.

I also love how True wanted to channel Hello Kitty, so she took her cat headband and added a bow to it. When Brave saw these pictures, she said, “I love that picture of me. It looks like I’m flying to school!”

Oh these girls! I can hardly believe they are in second and third grade already.


an ode to summer

September 1, 2014

brave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdaybrave 7th birthdayThese photos are from Brave’s birthday weekend, and I still haven’t finished recapping all the fun we had this summer, but we are back into the swing of things with school. Well, at least for a few weeks, until the girls are off with their grandparents on another vacation (I guess that means Ben and I get a sort of vacation too). Thus, we have a lot of work to do to make sure their school work is done before they go adventuring.

And while Southern California sort of lives in a perpetual back and forth between spring and summer, gone are the lazy days of play, no agendas, and meeting up with friends. Days are much more structured and homeschooling takes up most of it. I love the carefree days of summer, but I relish structure and can’t wait for the cozy warmth fall and winter bring (even if it is still about 90 degrees where we live).

If you’re stateside, Happy Labor Day friends. Have fun bidding summer farewell with one last hurrah!


family meals: week 86

August 31, 2014

family recipesfamily recipesCaprese Salad. After picking up Ben from work one day, I realized how I hadn’t enjoyed any tomatoes with mozzarella and basil, so we stopped by the store to pick up some mozzarella. The girls and I were chowing down it!

family recipesfamily recipesLavash Pizza. We use Trader Joe’s lavash bread, marinara, and some mozzarella (and turkey pepperoni) and this is the best quick pizza ever. I make it often for lunch too.

family recipesfamily recipesKorean Kale. It’s a recipe for spinach, but I had kale, so I used that instead. The sauce is so good. I’m making this more often!

family recipesfamily recipesOven Fried Chicken with Angry Sauce. I used this recipe, but used chicken breast instead of wings, and coated them with a panko and chili pepper mixture, then baked them in the oven. That sauce is oh so good! It’s spicy, savory, and sweet all rolled into one. I will definitely be making this recipe often!

Week of 9/1 – 9/5
Monday: Homemade Sushi Rolls
Tuesday: Spaghetti & Stuffed Garlic & Herb Meatballs
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Spicy Korean Pork Taco
Friday: Ceviche on Crispy Wontons

I’m loving the food blog Beyond Kimchee, I want to eat every recipe she makes! This Kimchi Udon will be made soon too. If you have never tried Korean food, you must. It has a lot of bold flavors, but it’s absolutely delicious and so many dishes are spicy (or can easily be made spicy)!


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