May 17, 2012

The only dinner I semi-prepared were bean and cheese tostadas…



The girls had theirs topped with a blob of avocado and I had mine with chipotles mixed in. It was good, but oh man, I’m tired of eating out and tired of bean and cheese tostadas. I want to get back in my kitchen and cook. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited to be changing out floors and doing some house renovating, but being behind schedule two weeks isn’t fun at all and is more challenging when kids are involved. It looks like it will be another week and half until things get back to normal around here. That’s being optimistic though and realistically it will be two weeks until things settle down. 
Week 5/21 – 5/25
Tuesday: Sliders (gotta find a recipe)
Wednesday: Spaghetti & Meatballs
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Pizza
I can’t believe it is pretty much nearing the end of May. Our kitchen hasn’t been feeling very much love this month. Let’s hope we can make up for it in June!


May 16, 2012

I want these moments to freeze. To keep them little just a while longer, but time moves on. Things keep changing and they keep growing. It is sweet and sad because they will never be the teeny babies they once were, but we’re full of excitement as they continue to grow into themselves. I think I am especially feeling this time much more because, as far as our plans, we are done with four. I try to cuddle Glow longer, hug her tighter because she will be the last of babies in this house. 
Soul’s funny. She is finally starting to use sentences, but she sounds like a little ewok and she is getting sneakier. We catch her playing with the water and soap, which she tried to eat but then said it was spicy, and coloring on the walls. She’s got one feisty temper and she always dresses herself in the morning. Lately, this dress has been her fave. She is always wearing it (see here). 
Glow is sweetness. That’s all I can say to sum her up. There is no mischief coming out of her yet, but it will come. It always does. 
I really like having little ones in my house.
disclaimer: they drive me crazy too! 


May 15, 2012

out to schoolout to school
{shirt: gifted from karen; skirt: little bean; shoes: livie and luca; backpack: made by mom.}

We got about three weeks left of school. We’ll continue homeschooling through the summer because does learning ever really stop? Nope. Next year when True’s goes to her one day a week enrichment classes she’ll be taking Brave along with her. I think that will be fun for them and for me because 2 kids at home is so much easier than 4! Can you believe Summer is almost here?

p.s. don’t forget this, this, and this giveaway! ends tomorrow morning!!!


May 15, 2012

mommy day 2012mommy day 2012mommy day 2012mommy day 2012
mommy day 2012
After breakfast in bed, the rest of the day was spent taking care of flooring stuff. It wasn’t how we had originally planned to spend Mother’s Day, but we went with it. The day before, I did get the vintage porch swing I have been eyeing (just gotta get it up now), so there really isn’t much to complain about. Plus, we were able to go out to have dinner with my mom (and dad and baby sister) at our favorite chinese restaurant. All in all, it was a day spent with my favorite people, so this mama is especially happy!

on me: top, c/o modcloth. jeans, urban outfitters. shoes, anthropologie (last summer). necklace: homako. I don’t like that longer in the back shirt or dress trend going on, so I sewed my top to all be one length.
on true: shirt: vintage. jumper: misha lulu. clogs: c/o lotta for stockholmn. LOVE kid clogs!
on brave: dress: little bean. shorts: misha lulu. shoes: salt-waters.
on soul: shirt: vintage. skirt: misha lulu. shoes: salt-waters.
on glow: shirt and shorts: misha lulu.


May 14, 2012

mom day breakfast in bed
mom day breakfast in bed
mom day breakfast in bed
mom day breakfast in bed
mom day breakfast in bedEvery birthday and Mother’s Day I pretend I am surprised to get breakfast in bed, but it really isn’t a surprise since this tradition goes back to when I lived at home and did this for my parents or they did it for me (my sister did it for my mom yesterday). Nevertheless, for my little ones, I stay in bed because they tell me they have a surprise. They even send one of them to in to my room to make sure I don’t get up. I love this tradition of ours.

This time around, I got fresh made waffles. That was a surprise because we didn’t have a waffle maker, so I thought I was just getting pancakes. Ben and the girls made buttermilk waffles, along with a kitty cat onion creature and an ant grape creature. Of course, I got a whole book of love notes made by my girls. It was the sweetest part.

I am hardly deserving of having such sweet children. They are the most forgiving people I know and I am so glad to be their mother.


May 14, 2012

our mamas
Ben and I are so fortunate to have grown under the care and love of self-less and loving mothers. They helped shape (and continue to shape) who we are today and we are so thankful. 
I like Stephanie’s post about Mother’s Day. I would definitely prefer it to be called Mothering Day because there are definitely a ton women out there who aren’t officially mothers, but still do a lot of mothering. My girls have definitely more than one mother in their life and I am so thankful for the other influences they have. 
I hope your Mothering Day was full of joy and love! 

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