April 25, 2012

sunflower butter cookiessunflower butter cookiessunflower butter cookiessunflower butter cookiessunflower butter cookiessunflower butter cookies

True’s allergic to peanuts, so instead of peanut butter cookies, we do sunflower butter cookies. This is my take on the sunflower butter cookie. Sunflower butter isn’t for everyone. If you would much rather have peanut butter, which I happen to like much better, just substitute the sunflower butter for 1 cup peanut butter and you can add more sugar to the recipe, but I try to lessen it a bit for moderation’s sake. Plus, I put in chocolate chips, so I think that is plenty sweet right there. Before I put them in the oven, I sprinkled some with sugar, and others I sprinkled with salt. Your choice, do you want savory or sweet? I think I am more a sweet person, but savory is a nice change once in awhile.

The girls ate them up, so I guess I had happy customers. Share me some of your favorite cookie recipes!


April 23, 2012

Days are warmer now, well most days, and Spring weather makes me want to put on floral dresses. Then I threw on some pretty, red braided clogs with it and I was good to go! If you love clogs too, you might just love these new ones Lotta has. The orange one is my fave because orange looks just so fun! 
on me: sunglasses, tumbleweeds handcrafted. necklace, homako. dress, vintage. belt, thrifted. clogs c/o lotta from stockholm
What’s your favorite thing to wear on a warm day out?


April 23, 2012

color run
The color run was amazing, but that post will have to wait for another day because this mama is beat. The kids are in bed, I am pouring myself a glass of wine and calling it a night. Hope your weekend was just as colorful!


April 22, 2012


Are you a shoe addict like me? Then, this giveaway is for you!

Blowfish Shoes is giving away a pair of shoes to one of you. You pick! If they have your size, it’s yours! I’ve got these and must admit they are comfy.

Here are some things you can do:
1. Leave a comment on this post telling me what shoe you would want from Blowfish Shoes.
2. Blog, tweet, or facebook about this giveaway and leave the link here.
3. Follow Blowfish on facebook, twitter, or pinterest and leave me separate links telling me you did so!

Now, if you do all of the things mentioned above, you might even be able to up your chances by getting your name in 7 times! Fantastic, right? Open to U.S. residents only.

The giveaway will end at 8am PST on Wednesday, April 25th and the winner will be announced via twitter (follow me on twitter here on Friday. Good luck! Go visit Blowfish Shoes now…

April 21, 2012

one week
We’ve got one week left until Ben goes back to work. Ben and I feel there is an invisible hourglass just counting down the minutes. Our list of to-dos are hardly done and we are scrambling to finish. In fact, it seem like new to-dos come up before we are done with the ones we already have. 
This week’s learned and links…
– Aunt Flo came back after being gone for 16 months. I didn’t miss her one bit and really don’t like her much, but I don’t plan to get pregnant again, so looks like she will be sticking around for a long while. 
– Glow does the army crawl. It’s funny.
– I haven’t ran at all this week, blame Aunt Flo, but I am running the SoCal Color Run tomorrow. Anyone else running it? Maybe I’ll see you on the track!
– Picking up my dining room light fixtures today and my dad is putting it up for us. Yippee!
– True’s got her long a sound down, for the most part, along with different long a vowel pairs and now it is time to move onto long e. 
– Brave is my romantic chid. This fact deserves a whole post of its own.
– Got one poster left. The tulip one. If you want it, send me an email! 
– True’s birthday is this week and we have got a colorful day planned. Excited!
– No more wrong holes in the wall. Thank you for this Rachel.
This pillow is the bees knees. So cool.
– Loving my red braided clogs. Clog addict for sure. 
– My prayer life sucks and I am slowly crawling out of this laziness of not wanting to pray and started praying for little things.
I want and need to depend on God daily, but honestly if you look at my everyday life, you will see a whole lot more of self-centeredness than God-dependance. This usually results in a train wreck and leaves me discontent because obviously being self-centered is always a problem. I definitely want to be more God dependent.
I got some sponsors to share this weekend, so check back and have a happy Saturday and Sunday!


April 20, 2012

school styletrue
{where from again? shirt: misha lulu; shorts: vintage; socks: target; shoes: thrifted.}
This is all her. I may have chose the shirt, but I can’t remember now. Though I know she for sure chose the boots, that was not my doing at all. No sir. Not so sure I would have been bold enough to pair knee highs and boots together. Hey! She’s a kid and this is her world and I think if anyone can pull it off, it would be this shy girl here. Just looking at these pictures you would never know that she is glued to my leg out in public, wouldya?! 

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