July 17, 2018

Saw this hat in an antique mall in Comfort, Texas and I immediately did a happy dance. It’s in pretty good condition and fit perfectly! It needed a bit of dusting and brushing (used this brush), but I’m happy I was the one to give it life again. There was another hat I found and loved, but the edges were a bit tattered, so I decided to leave it. Of course, after that, I was on a hunt to find another, and as the vintage fairy godmothers would have it, I found one on ebay, and for way less that the antique mall price.

I love hats made by independent hat makers like Brookes Boswell, but my wallet doesn’t agree. Buying vintage allows for the uniqueness and quality of those indie designers, but for a price that’s much more budget friendly. However, I do love supporting indie designers when I can, and usually it happens when I’m in need of footwear. Hats just isn’t an area where I like to get splurgy.

If you’re looking for a similar hat style, see here, here, and here.

what i’m wearing: vintage top and denim (similar crocheted top and jeans). basket, wovenfolk. clogs, no. 6


July 11, 2018

“Brave is not the right word for parents. Dependent is.”

The above quote is by Rachel Pieh Jones from the book Mom Enough, and it really sums up our parenting/life journey right now. The last few years, I got caught up with the busyness of parenting (and life), I misplaced my daily dependency on God. At least, a consistent awareness of it. And sometimes, exactly when you need it, God does a little shaking up to remind you where your hope ought to be. As uncomfortable as it is, I’m thankful for the sifting and shaking. Though I do struggle with being thankful and joyful (and do some complaining) in the sifting and shaking. Even still, there’s a sweetness and peace through it that only comes from Christ. I know this is where God wants me. In this season of my life right now, I’m definitely growing in a deeper understanding of what it means to be dependent. Not in myself, but in Christ alone.

“In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand.”
– Stuart Townend & Keith Getty

I’m learning what it means to be dependent. Dependent on Christ for the patience, strength, words, love, resolve, and boldness to face the daily challenges of motherhood and changes in life. Dependent on His story for my life versus what I had/have planned. Dependent on the grace that overflows to soften my hard heart. Most importantly, dependent on what Jesus did for me on the cross. My life ought to be a life of dependency. I’m (nervously) asking the Lord to keep me dependent. I want more of Him; I need more of Him.

Psalm 62:5-8
“Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken. My salvation and glory depend on God, my strong rock. My refuge is in God. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before him. God is our refuge. Selah”


July 9, 2018

It’s such a blessing to celebrate 13 years of God’s faithfulness in our marriage. We’ve walked, weathered, and worked out some of the kinks (there’s more to come for sure!) that happen when you put to stubborn sinners together. By God’s grace, we remain committed to this cycle of loving and forgiving just as Christ has done for us. We’ve had a couple big fights this year, and I even said “I despise you!” all mad and mean to his face, but seriously, thank you Jesus for grace and forgiveness and all the fun of making up afterwards. (Though we still don’t agree about the issue we were arguing about .)

This guy still makes my heart pitter patter, and when he’s at work I just think of his face and big heart and I get all melty. I still declare he’s the handsomest and I love every wrinkle and grey hair that’s made an appearance. (I call him my silver fox.) He’s grown in leaps and bounds in his love for our Savior this year, which just trickles down and blesses our family, and makes me even go more crazy for him.

The past year has been probably one of the toughest for our family, but God is good. He’s got plans better than ours, and we’re rolling with it, and I’ve got the best rolling partner there is. This guy was definitely made just for me!

Cheers to 13!


July 6, 2018

I had been looking for a ric rac cactus forever and was so excited when I spied it at an outdoor market through someone else’s instagram stories this past weekend. When I clicked on the tagged shop, Piep, I was happy to discover they were not too far from me, so I contacted the shop right away! Then first thing this past Monday, we went to pick it up! I am very happy to cross the ric rac cactus off my plant collection list. Once I find a pot, and its special spot, I will be sure to share where it lands.


July 4, 2018

Most thankful for the freedom I have in Christ! Happy 4th of July friends!

Artwork by Brave Bratcher


July 3, 2018

Currently in Deuteronomy for my Bible reading plan, and I see how God constantly reminds the Israelites to remember what He did for them when He took them out of Egypt. Then, there are also festivals/celebrations designated to help that remember that time too. Not only that, God also emphasizes to them to have a day of rest. Remember and rest was important for the Israelites, and I’m learning it ought to be a pertinent part of my daily living too because the point of remembering and to rest for the Israelites, and even for me now, is to see God and His glory. It’s about looking at God and not ourselves.

I’m not much of a stop and remember, or stop and rest (in God) person. I do love to stop and remember the beginning stories of when Ben and I met (and I almost daily tell him the story of when we first met, or I make him retell it), but not so much things of God. It is sad how easy it is for me to breathe God ignoring air. I ought to remember when I first read John 3 and how being “born again” became real to me, or remember the beginnings of God opening my heart to understand what grace really means, or stopping daily to remember Jesus dying on the cross for me. I need to remember I’m free from being a slave to my selfish desires.

And rest… what’s that?! I’m such a busy body with a love for to-do lists, so I have a hard time stopping to rest. I keep going until I feel like I have everything under my control, but I need to rest under God’s control and not my own. I need to rest in God’s provision, not my own. Rest is God’s time, not my own. Rest in that God satisfies, not a clean house, obedient children, or antique jewelry.

Remember and rest go hand in hand and it’s to point me back to Christ… remember what He did in my place and rest in that all the work is already done, and I don’t need to run myself into the ground trying to control my world. Jesus gives all the rest I need. On this side of heaven, I know remember and rest will probably be a lifelong battle for me, but there’s an overflow of grace daily and I will keep fighting to remember and rest in Christ alone.

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