July 1, 2018

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Sewing 4 costumes in one week is no joke. Thankful we finished them up all in time for their Disney Day date with Ben’s cousins yesterday!

Thankful for Sunday afternoon hang out with cousin-friends. It had been too long since we’ve been at the BFF’s house.

My heart needed that reminder during Sunday morning’s sermon that suffering always has a purpose, and through it we taste and see God’s goodness.

The temperature this coming weekend is gonna spike up to 112 where we live, so we’ve spent the weekend prepping our plants. We are praying they’ll be okay.

Looking for a reasonably priced vertical shelf for True and Brave’s room. They are such big readers and book collectors, so we need more shelves. Maybe this one, but I wish it were white.

Basket bags make my heart flutter and love this one from Ms. Tips. Also, love retro plastic shoppers and this one is so fun.

Reading the “Seven Strategies for Fighting Envy helped reframe my heart for when feelings of envy come up.

Ben and I are headed to Texas this week to take care of some family things. We also celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary next weekend, so we’re hoping to get an Austin date day in.

Anyone still check in to see if blogs update daily? Our lives have been busier this past year than ever before and so my daily updates in this space have been sporadic. This journal is still alive and kicking (maybe small kicks), and I’m thankful for those of you that still check in to see what I’m raving and ranting about. I made a list of things I want to blog about this summer, so once time allows, I want to get back a more regular rhythm of sharing.


June 28, 2018

I know life is hard sometimes, but Christ is sweet all the time.

This is something I told a friend recently, and it’s a truth our family continues to experience richly this year. We’ve recently had lots of hard things happen within our circle of friends and family… lots of heartbreak, loss, brokenness, and uncertainty. Maybe you feel that weight just reading the news everyday. Life is full of trials and can feel harsh at times, but through it all, we see God’s overwhelming grace, comfort, and peace fill our very weak hearts. When plans and the future seems muddied by current circumstances, I rest in God’s promises knowing He works things out for good for those who He called according to his purpose. I rest knowing He’s written this story of mine and I simply have to take each step forward with faith. While trials bring the unknown, I’m so thankful Christ has made Himself known to me, and in Him I place my trust. So yeah, life is hard sometimes, but Christ is definitely sweet all the time.

Isaiah 40:28-31 “Do you not know? Have you not heard? Yahweh is the everlasting God, the Creator of the whole earth. He never grows faint or weary; there is no limit to His understanding. He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the powerless. Youths may faint and grow weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.”


June 27, 2018

Some new (vintage) goods that I found in Minneapolis are slowly rolling into WOVENFOLK. I love each and every single one of these basket bags, and I really have to exercise self-control to not keep it all. My rule when buying for the shop is “If I wouldn’t wear, carry, or adorn my home with this, then I can’t sell it.” Every item is something I love and makes me want to dance, so you can imagine how hard it is to part with each piece, but my heart is happy and thankful that these carefully handpicked items get to live new stories and lives.

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June 23, 2018

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

God’s been really stretching my faith in Him this week. I’ve been more panicked about what I can and can’t do versus just trusting that He works all things out. The struggle has kept me uncomfortable, and I’m pleading with God to help me, but I feel my little (teensy, tiny) faith, and I’m having a hard time just resting in Christ and His promises.

Excited to be exploring Minneapolis with friends! And meeting some blog readers and online friends in real life, especially Ms. Tips!

We all watched Solo and loved it, but my girls love pretty much anything Star Wars related.

I’ve been in need of a new wallet and I just ordered this quirky one to hold my cards and cash.

The girls and I are having fun watching the Just Add Magic Amazon series.

Love the new Everlane cotton dresses and flat sandals!

Dying to make this salt & pepper shrimp recipe, but healthi-fied of course.

I will be working on making a list of summer to-do and goals list while I’m away. If I don’t plan, this summer will fly by, and I want to make sure the girls and I are intentional with our time. It’s easy to just let them play all day with each other, and while I’m home, I don’t get much time with them because they’re doing their own thing and I’ve got my nose in something else too.

Enjoy weekending, folks!


June 22, 2018

Do you have your summer basket yet? WOVENFOLK was just updated with a fresh stock of baskets in the CARRY collection, and last week a collection of summer whites made its way to the WEAR collection.


June 21, 2018

One of my summer goals is to lunch outside more often. After we got the back all cleaned up last weekend, we’ve been making it a point to enjoy our meals outside. I know it’ll eventually get too hot to do it during the day, but we will make the attempt for as long as we can. Then, if not, for sure dinners can be outdoors because one of the wonderful things about California is that no matter how hot it gets during the day, it typically cools off at night.

Do you have any summer goals? I will for sure be making a longer list while I’m away in Minneapolis and get some alone thinking time.

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