DIY: chenille stem shiny garland

December 5, 2012

DIY: chenille stem shiny garlandDIY: chenille stem shiny garlandDIY: chenille stem shiny garlandDIY: chenille stem shiny garlandDIY: chenille stem shiny garlandDIY: chenille stem shiny garlandDIY: chenille stem shiny garlandI was totally inspired by this tinsel garland from anthro and figured a similar look could be recreated with chenille stems. So I picked some up one day, cut a bunch in half with a wire cutter and left another bunch in its full length, then the girls went to town making them. Just connect the ends together to form a circle, twist the ends together, and loop another stem through. It adds a bit of shimmer and I’m thinking of stringing up lights along with them to add a bit more sparkle. I’m thinking of picking up more chenille stems in some other sparkly colors because it is such a fun and easy decorating project for the kids.

This was the first of any sort of decorating we have done, and maybe soon we can actually get to the tree. The days of December are dwindling fast, so we better hurry up. If you want more decorating ideas, here are some we have done in the past… yarn ball ornaments, handmade tree topper, snowy Christmas scene, and a ticket chain.

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