camp home: paper plate magnet maze

June 9, 2014

paper plate magnet mazePaper Plate Magnet Maze

Paper Plate Magnet Maze Template (print the bunny/space shuttle on card stock)
Paper plate (I think a regular white one would work well, but we had brown ones on hand, so that’s what we used)
Markers (fine and thick)
Colored pencils
3/16″ x 12″ dowel
1/2″ button magnets (2 per maze/plate)
Glue gun & glue stick

1. The template has a sample maze to use, or you can easily just make your own with a compass; use the bunny or space shuttle on the template, or make your own (e.g. car to a finish line, superhero to a damsel in distress, fish finding its way to a school of fish). If using a compass, make 4 circles lessening 1″ with each smaller circle. Each circular row, should have one opening to the next, and a barrier somewhere along the row as well. Go over the maze lines with a marker. Draw the moon or bunch of carrots (or whatever you choose for the winning destination) in the center and color.

paper plate magnet mazepaper plate magnet mazepaper plate magnet maze2. Color the bunny/space shuttle and cut out. Glue a magnet piece behind the bunny/space shuttle, and another on the end of the dowel to make the magnet wand. Make sure the opposite magnets are facing each other, so they will attract and be able to work together on the maze.

paper plate magnet mazepaper plate magnet mazepaper plate magnet mazepaper plate magnet mazepaper plate magnet mazeHold the magnet wand under the plate and direct your bunny/rocket ship to the center of the plate!

paper plate magnet mazepaper plate magnet mazepaper plate magnet maze


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