still re-croup-erating

May 20, 2010

Thanks friends for all your advice! Your tips via comments and emails has soothe my worrisome self a bit. Having never dealt with croup before, I was thinking the worst and just nervous making sure I was paying extra attention before her condition could get any worse. I have been reading and following some of your tips. Cool mist humidifier? Check. Cool night air? Check. Steam from a warm shower? Check. Soul does alright during the day, but nights are the worse. I am not getting very much sleep these past couple nights, but I am cherishing the cuddling. I just feel so bad for my baby because she is so uncomfortable. Hopefully, this croup thing will let up soon.
resting when she can
How are my other girls doing? They have coughs, but seem to be fine otherwise. They are still their sassy selves, fighting, playing, and all that two sisters do together. We did have a bit of time these past few days to fit in some cupcake making, but I did just a use a Cherrybrook Kitchen mix to make things a bit easier, and it is so so good. The best cake mix I have ever tried! Seriously.
devoureddevouredcupcake making
I have a few crafted things to share tomorrow that I have made just being in bed with Soul next to me. My bedroom has been the place to hang out this week. We all stay here all day long, but only until Ben comes home and the girls go outside with him to garden. Speaking of garden, I think we have planted up to 20 different varieties of tomatoes! We will have tomatoes coming up the wazoo (well, hoping the bugs don’t get to them first)! Can’t wait for this Summer’s harvest!!!
p.s. I am giving away a flower garland here and the most recent sponsor winner has been announced.

5 comments on “still re-croup-erating”

  • Stephanie says:

    oh your children are wonderful!

    I had croup when I was younger and all I remember were nights with my mom sitting in the bathroom with the shower going for the steam.

    Not so fun but it helped to have an amazing mom always there 🙂

    What kind of frosting did you make for the cupcakes? They look amazing!


  • aww poor baby! Hope she's back to 100% soon! 🙂

  • Danielle says:

    Bless her heart! I hope she feels better soon–we have struggled with croup a time or two.
    PS: I love the color of your cupcake cups!

  • Michele Lee says:

    Awwwww….poor Soulie baby. I'm glad she's doing better during the day at least. I hope she'll get better very soon and that you'll also receive plentiful of rest. Though you were still busy with a sick baby, you still made adorable cupcakes! Oh! And I'm excited to see the many arrays of tomatoes! 🙂

  • Chloë says:

    Hi I know your probably on to it, but I have two children who both have croup 3 and 5 we found we just had to have the medication on hand as well as a nebuliser, with our guys natural remedies just didnt work and the process was just to scary. Good luck.

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