going on a memory hunt

June 27, 2008

So, we moved into our new house and I wanted to take a picture of my Ben and the girls together…

Then our kind neighbor, Sam, she moved into the house right next to us, offered to take our family picture…
We love creating memories together as a Kokeshi family!

Here are more of our Kokeshis…
A softie one just for Brave.

And True made one all by herself…
We like to call it, “A Mess of Art.”

Have a fantastic weekend of memory hunting and don’t forget to check out the rest of the Kokeshis at the Kokeshi Gallery

5 comments on “going on a memory hunt”

  • I checked out the Kokeshi Gallery…it was awesome! Your stuff was particularly AWESOME! 🙂

    “A mess of art” is nicely done. Love the title. 😀

  • where did you find your wooden kekeshi doll forms? love the kokeshi family and neighbor, so cute and creative.

  • sammi says:

    I hope I am a good neighbor….my kids tend to wake up at the crack of dawn and my “mirror cracking” singing can be heard through the open windows! Well, I do make a good batch of scones. I’ll have to walk over today to bring some to True’s house 🙂

  • I love these Kokeshis!!! They are some of the cutest in the show! And I love how you photographed them. I think there’s a lot of story telling in these 🙂

  • Rubyellen says:

    Thanks all!

    Barbara- I got my doll forms at our local Michaels craft store…

    Sam- Thanks for bringing the scones over… they were delicious!!!

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