wedding wednesday

June 17, 2009

The hardest part of wedding planning for us was picking a photographer. I think we saw about 20 different people before we finally settled on one. We drove from Santa Barbara to San Diego to meet with various photographers, but it took awhile until we found “the one” and one within our budget. Now, I am thinking it is much easier these days cause there are tons more photographers because with digital technology is just much easier. Now, I know about 10 different photographers! Heck, even I have an SLR, though I hardly consider myself a photographer.

Well, when we did finally settle on one it was David Jay. He was just so downright nice and we loved his eye. He used a lot of negative space and really loved color. His photographs were minimally altered and so it was all pretty natural. He was just good. This was one of my favorite pictures from our engagement shoot, which was done two weeks before our wedding. That was how late we found a photographer.
David Jay is just so talented. Afterwards, my sister and I would call angles and good pictures “the David Jay.” Well, now I am not sure if he is still doing wedding photography as his photographer stardom skyrocketed even higher soon after our wedding (not cause of us). He does conferences and created Showitfast and other things that make it easier for professional photographers. He is a genius and just an overall talented guy!
*photos taken by David Jay

13 comments on “wedding wednesday”

  • sharyl says:

    wish i could say the same thing about my wedding photographer. oh i so regret not wanting to spend more on it. and man do i still regret it. I don't think the guy was a even a legit photgrapher, he just points and shoots! 2 years later i'm still mad. hahahah!

  • Katee Grace says:

    David Jay is a gem! Congrats that he was your wedding photographer! Joy for all involved I'm certain! 🙂

  • Hello – we dont' know each other but DJ is our mutual friend. You were so smart to hire him while you could. 🙂 Great post!

    Good times!

    Kenny Kim

  • Thalita Dol says:

    Hi Ruby!

    I love the photographs!
    There is something magical about good photographs…

    My wedding had a (really) tight budget, but one thing I insisted on having was a good potographer. I don't regret a cent we spent on that! ^^

    Kisses to you!

  • wildflowr says:

    Davie shot my wedding, too! I'm glad I got him before he realized how good he was or I would have never been able to afford him. High five on the mutual score! 😉

  • ani says:

    these are beautiful photos! you should post more 😉

  • Lauren Brown says:

    David Jay is the Mario Testino of weddings. Love him! Such an inspiration to my business


  • ~3iNnA~ says:

    we found our photographer quite quickly. we love his work but we wonder what happen to some of the pictures he took but overall he did a great job. my whole family love what he did…it was very nice indeed.

    I love your pictures.

    I think the hardest part in our wedding is my guest list. On my side of the family. I have more than 150+ relatives (thats not including friends/associate) on my end alone and I have to downsize it to 25 guest.

    i am enjoying your wedding wednesday.

  • Since I'd guess my wedding (someday!) would be mostly homemade and low budget (because I want it to be big) I think what I'd save the most money for just in case is the photographer. Like you guys I'd be really particular about it! Someone artsy who really captures the beauty and memories and is fun too.

  • Lisa Leonard says:

    those pics are amazing! i love the sunlight in the second one.

  • i love the david jay

  • Mike Larson says:

    Its cool to see how far reaching the people we used to work with go. This is a cool post!

  • Irene Carole says:

    david jay is amazing! your photos are awesome ruby! love you guys!

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