
March 22, 2010

Three things I loved this weekend:
1. Waking up to see Soul’s cute little toe.
saturday morning
2. Ben excited about his pickings from the garden to give away to friend’s at church.
straight from the garden for friends
3. Flea market with some friends and even saw Danni and Nick for a little bit.
waiting for muscles
We had a good weekend, but my sewing machine and my sister’s machine, which I borrowed, are both out! The tensions are horribly off! I use them machines a whole lot. Now, what am I supposed to do without any sewing machine?!! I am going to take them to get repaired tomorrow, though I am seriously considering buying another machine, for times such as these.
Tell me about your weekend. What three things did you love this weekend?
Hello to a brand new week!

27 comments on “three”

  • Thalita Dol says:

    Hello, new week!!!!

    My 3 favourite things this weekend were: 1)Getting to know my friend's baby, Ana (what a cutie!). 2)Listening to Lilla's new “words” (nananas and dadadas) and 3)Getting to enjoy my hubby for 2 whole days at home (he has been working late these last days)!! =)

    Happy new week to you, Ruby!

  • Hi Ruby! Well, I wanted to join the conversation this time! A first for me. I recently found your blog, and I looooved it. You are so inspirational as a crafter, mama, and child of God. Thanks for sharing your story. My three things: 1) Going tubing with the kids one last time, 2) finally trying this cute little breakfast place I've been wanting to eat at forever (it was all that and more), and 3) wearing my adorable new Dollhouse booties I basically stole (for $19 at Ross) to church. Haven't had new shoes in ages.

  • Cute little toe!! & yay for flea markets!
    We went too yesterday ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Sara says:

    Jacks entire feet would pop out of those sleepers, too!
    Made me smile EVERY time.

    Hard to find 3 things about the weekend, with a sick husband at home (we are on day 6)…

    But, I did spend lots of wonderful time with my kiddos…and managed to sneak away for a pedicure!

  • annalea says:

    1)my sweet baby boy turned four months
    2)we finally were able to work outside and sow seeds for the spring crops in our potager
    3)i made a cute little felt bird to give away on my blog

    thanks for sharing your weekend!

  • Mary says:

    love these posts of yours! my three favorite things were having friends over for the first cookout of spring and some march madness watching; running errands with my sweet husband on saturday; and eating lots of this wonderful spring pea soup:
    fresh veggies are the best! ๐Ÿ™‚
    thanks for being such a wonderful source of inspiration!

  • Alison Fay says:

    What a fun post to start the week:) My three favorite things this weekend were:
    1. My sister and a bunch of friends came home from college for the weekend and stayed with me.
    2. I cleaned out and re-organized my entire closet- yay for spring cleaning!
    3. I bought two pretty summer dresses that I just can't wait to wear!

  • 3 FAVES of the weekend…

    1. din at home with sweet friends!
    2. cleaned and organized my crafty goodies!
    3. movie date at home with the hibs!!

  • 1- We went for the first time to an amazing yarn shop !
    2- My husband and I had time to watch for the 20th time at least the Pride and Predjudice movie. Which is my favorite.
    3- My husband read to me (while I was knitting) a Calvin an Hobbe cartoon book, and we had a great time laughing together.

  • says:

    bummer about your sewing machine. hope it gets repaired soon. i feel like they don't make 'em like they used to. i have an old metal machine (circa 1970) that used to belong to my friend's aunt. i love how solid and simple it is.

    this weekend i loved…
    : a trip to the children's museum
    : liberty of london at target
    : awesome worship at church

  • jozen says:

    Hi Ruby!
    i spent sunday afternoon with 3 very special ladies, my 2 girls and my mom. we went south of the border to check out the liberty of london line at target. have you gone?? it's all so DIVINE!

  • Becky says:

    Saw the Monet to Delacroix exhibit at the SB Museum of Art, wandered through the Anthro across the street, swim class, soccer practice, prep work to paint the ledges outside our windows, a little writing…

  • ampersandity says:

    what fun! we went to a flea market too!

    1. flea market with girlfriends.
    2. watched my husband try out every chair at room&board in west LA.
    3. watched up in the air.


  • Your blog always makes me happy! I have one big special thing: Nathaniel turned 12 on Saturday! Now I don't have any little ones anymore!! boo. But he had a fun birthday party and we're headed straight into those teenage years! We had gorgeous spring weather and worked in the yard too… that should count as two more wonderful things!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • 1. seeing the ocean
    2. dinner with friends
    3. flea market (too bad we didn't see you there…)

  • Lindsay says:

    The mere sight of that precious little toe made my heart leap! My three fav things this weekend were 1)brunch with my hubby and little girls at a cafe 2) coffee with my future sis-in-laws and 3) new shoes. I hope your week is just as happy as your weekend!

  • diane says:

    !. reuniting with our little girls after an out of town trip with my husband and 4 month old
    2. beautiful spring weather one day, then snow the next
    3. making a pretty spring wreath

  • RachelDenbow says:

    we had snow! after two gloriously spring days we had snow! talk about a bummer.
    I had a long, rough weekend and finally was able to say no to some things so I could get a break and enjoy an afternoon with my family. Today is MUCH better AND sunny.

    Can't wait to see if anything in the flea market photo came home with you!

  • Jara says:

    1. Hanging out with my hubby
    2. The proud look on my son's face when he won 3rd place for 6 year old boys in a basketball skills contest.
    3. Kissing my daughters sweet cheeks while watching “Life” on Discovery Channel!

  • Your weekends always sound amazing!

    1. I took photos at my friends wedding.
    2. I made their wedding cake! It was great!

  • Candice says:

    what a sweet photo of soul's tiny peeking toe!!!

  • sammi says:

    o.k. my dear….three things?
    1. my boys squeeling on their swings (and mummy realizing they could both get on the swings by themselves and start pumping on their own as well…the morning brought about a mum drinking coffee in the window as the wee ones played happily on their own outside)

    2. a momentary glance at spring (now I type this as a fire is lit and the cold has returned!)

    3. a piece of chocolate I found in the back of the cupboard…can't say how long it has been there, but oh how it was needed ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Oh boy I had a good weekend which of course does not always happen, but this week I was especially excited because Art Fest is this week (and I broke my poor old sewing machine also stitching trades for it), I found some old frames and french communion cards at an antique fair, and we ripped out our rotten back deck in hopes of a new patio coming soon.
    Still love your blog!

  • Hannah says:

    My weekend was lovely but there were not nearly enough baby toes in it

  • Small Burst says:

    We hit the flea market too! You can check it out our flea market here

  • my baby Audrey has that same exact sleeper ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Rubyellen says:

    oh i loved, LOVED reading about everyone's loves this weekend! I am so glad everyone is just as happy! Took my machine in today. It will be a week without any sewing! yikes… guess i must do taxes!

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