hello monday

April 19, 2010

Dear Monday,
I can’t believe you are here already. I (and my girls) don’t like you so much because that means Ben has to go back to work and we like him home all the time, so the weekends are our favorite. We want to be with Ben (Papi) all day, everyday. We want to be with him to eat yummy dinners, spend time in the garden, and just to cuddle all day long. So please Monday hurry up and let’s get on to Friday!
Ruby (and my girls)
p.s. Attached are some pictures of our weekend to understand why we love being with our Papi so much.
seared tuna and salad
{ben made some seared tuna salads for us, and crab salads for the girls}
orange cauliflower
orange cauliflower
{orange cauliflower}

bolted romanesco broccoli
{bolted romanesco broccoli}
brussels sprouts
{brussels sprouts}
all together
{cuddling and watching the spurs game together}
Don’t forget the latest sponsor giveaways!!!

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