a little garden DIY

May 26, 2010

We are in the “gardening get the backyard looking pretty mode” so we have been scouring flea markets and antique shops for things to make our outside look nice and cozy. At our most recent jaunt to the flea market, we came across these pretty nice size vintage grape crates. The light bulbs immediately went off in Ben’s and my head and we snatched up the crates and took them home.
A couple days later, Ben bought 4 casters (from Lowes) to go underneath each of the crates and we had an instant rolling garden box. We were going to use it to plant some herbs, but since we are overflowing with tomato plants, that is what we planted inside them instead. It was the easiest garden DIY ever. Well, easy for me to say, right? I didn’t do a thing and Ben is the one who came away with some blood and a scraped finger from screwing the casters in. Nevertheless, I say it looked pretty easy!
working on our vintage crateshot papi adding casters vintage crate garden DIYadd some castersvintage crates and castersvintage crates and tomato plants
Come on, tomatoes! We are so ready for you…
What are you growing in your garden? Anyone have any tips on some easy to maintain flowers?
last day for giveaway

26 comments on “a little garden DIY”

  • Renee says:

    I love your creativity…i have a huge yard but had to plant my gardens in pots b/c the space for the garden is overtaken with weeds and such that won't stop taking over. πŸ™ I planted jalopenos,cilantro,cucumbers,tomatoes, and garlic.We also planted sunflower seeds but afraid that our weed killer might have killed them before they could start to grow. πŸ™ Now I wish I had some crates like yours to plant all kinds of goodies in….it's really worth all the hard work to be able to give your family something you know is safe to eat & so healthy. I wish I could see your garden in person. πŸ™‚ I vision lots of outdoor parties with the girls this summer with your garlands hanging around,too. πŸ™‚

  • Rachel says:

    growing a garden is still on my life list and i have to say, i love what your hubby did to those crates! those tomato plants must be happy:)

  • My dream is to have a symmetrical kitchen garden, on raised beds with pebble pathways. How civilised. In the meantime I fight the weeds in a made-over flowerbed. The crates you found are perfect, shallow and broad. Do they move easily on the castors? I expect you could shift them around to follow the sun during the change of seasons, so that you could grow winter crops in a sun patch. Funny how desires spring up around this time of year – to plant baby vegetables and flowers, and to make our homes look fresh and different!

  • Knotted Nest says:

    Those are gorgeous crates! What a great idea!

    This year I decided to add a few flowers to my garden (I really do favour growing vegetables though). So far the Nasturtiums and Clematis are wonderfully low maintenance and will soon add a splash of colour to my little patio.

  • Oh my I think that is the best garden idea ever! Good luck with the tomato plants!

  • Louise says:

    This is my first year planting a garden. It is usually over run with weeds but since little Finn came along, I want him to have a pretty area to play outside! I planted some really pretty herb pots filled with thyme, oregano, basil, mint, sage, lavender, rosemary, spearmint and corriander. I also planted strawberries,sugar snap peas, chilli's, lettuce and rocket.The flowers I am not to sure of the names but I know I have lillies, pansies and lupins. There are others too but I am still learning!! I put some pictures up on my blog… they are so pretty!!

    Louise x

  • You have a handy handy husband. Those crates are beautiful with tomato plants in them. I wish we had flea markets here, although I decided to stop by a new antique store yesterday on a whim, just to see what's new, and I found the cutest turquoise fan there. Now my collection of two is perfect at three. It was so exciting!

  • Meg says:

    loooove those crates!! i really wanted to find something like that to plant my herbs in, but my search was to no avail. i had to settle on plastic planters i found at a garage sale on the cheap.

  • I wish I could grow things!! I seem to kill everything. I wouldn't even be able to grow weeds. You seem to do wonderfully!! How exciting!

  • Leslie says:

    love those planters a lot a lot…

    love your whole little blog, been reading for about a month..

    we are waiting on our tomatoes too, saw some fruit on one of them yesterday.. just lots of flowers on the other…

    also growing : lettuce, swiss chard, zuchhinni, spinach, carrots, pole beans, cucumbers, strawberries, watermelons, grapes, lots of herbs.

    I think we are in the same climate.. so would love to hear what does great for you. This is our first year.

  • homesteader says:

    Beautiful pictures! GREAT idea!

  • Andrea says:

    I just got ambitious this year and put out a square foot garden. Actually, four of them. A total of 64 square feet. I am so excited. And the bonus of only having to weed ONCE A MONTH!!!! YAY!!! Love the tomato box! So cute!

  • Brandi says:

    I do NOT have a green thumb, but I can always keep my geraniums looking pretty. (I'm in Arizona though, who knows how they do where you are)

  • ashlynn says:

    What a great idea – now if only I could find some wine crates!

  • RachelDenbow says:

    They're from Fresno!!!!

    Man, you guys have a great space back there. What a fantastic place for those sweet girls to explore and learn!

  • ssHUMANs says:

    This is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing. Keep the DIY projects coming!

  • Aura says:

    Very cute! I love the crates. We have tomatoes, peppers, beans, cucumbers, spinach, carrots, radishes, strawberries, a few herbs, and potatoes growing in the garden this year. If you're looking for easy to grow flowers, I'd try some bulbs. We have Cannas and Dahlias, both of which you just bury the bulb, water, and wait for them to grow. Wildflowers are also really easy to maintain. Try picking some that are native to your area!

  • We have a container garden on our apartment patio…we are growing from seeds Cilantro, Sweet Basil, Parsley, Oregano, Danver Carrots, Jalapeno Peppers, Green Onions, Sweet Peas, and Cherry tomatoes. We have a few flowers in containers as well…marigolds (always super easy! Even me with my not so green thumb can't kill them!), moss roses, salvia, and a few others. I love seeing your garden! How lucky to be able to grow yearround…we live in the northern plains, and alas, no such luck! πŸ™‚

  • Kendra Sue says:

    So fun, so fun! I love the rolling crates idea! We have some tomato plants but they are just sitting inside, it won't stop snowing here long enough for me to feel comfortable letting them brave the wild. I love this blog! πŸ™‚

  • Wow, that's amazing! Your creativity is mind-blowing! I love how you reused the wooden carts as plant gardens! Beautiful πŸ™‚

  • Rubyellen says:

    p.s. I forgot to mention that these garden beds on wheels are True and Brave's special little garden. These hold the tomatoes they picked out for themselves!

  • mobygreen says:

    Hi Ruby!
    You may want to try Geraniums…they are perennials..which means you don't have to plant them yearly and they come in a wide variety of colors for both the flowers and the leaves. They also grow like weeds with very little care.

    Have fun!
    Bernadette (mobygreen)

  • Tammy says:

    I'm from Fresno so it was fun to see these crates! You guys are so creative it never ceases to amaze me. Good luck with the backyard, it is always so much work!

  • Great idea! I need something like this for herbs. Putting peat moss, vermiculite and compost for your soil in a raised garden keeps it most, loose and supposedly helps feed healthy plants. I'll find out! So far my pole beans and cucumbers are growing like crazy!

  • a greenhouse on weels ,love it

  • Amy says:

    i love the rolling crates! what a great idea. we did a raised bed garden this year. We have five varieties of tomatoes (including two heirloom), jalepeno, lots of herbs, zucchini, yellow squash and cucumber. I am so ready to enjoy the harvest!

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