evening gardening

July 15, 2010

Aye! The heat has hit and it is nasty (at least to me). I hate the heat and love cold and gloomy weather, so now anything that needs to be done outside has to wait until the evening. Last night, the girls were out helping Ben plant some herbs and I took a break from my work to join them. Plus, little Soul needed a little supervision (and food).
soulie outside
Growing our own herbs makes me pretty giddy as now when I want some chives, I can grab some outside. I love chives! Especially on a baked potato, which sounds real good right about now.
a little plumber in the making
The girls really love getting dirty outside, but I do admit that sometimes I cringe because of the inner neat freak inside me. If you look closely, Brave was outside without a shirt and prior to sweeping she was laying on the floor on her belly moving all the dirt around. I was really itching to stop her, but I let her have some fun.
thumbs up gardener
Kids will be kids and I guess getting dirty is all part of the fun, but we did go inside after and I immediately put them in the bath! Once we get things a bit more squared away in our yard, we will share a little tour.
Hope your Thursday is happy so far!

13 comments on “evening gardening”

  • Misha Lulu says:

    Ilove to be able to get my herbs from my own garden! it is so exciting!
    The heat is awfull! I am melting overhere while my computer is overheating!
    Of course I am also drinking HOT apple cider : D
    I can't wait to see the whole garden! Maybe I get a real toUr : )

  • true and brave are such good cleaners. seriously. you and ben have trained them so well.

    p.s. my fingers are cramping for sewing…….

  • Allison Drew says:

    I'm no fan of this heat either. I too am ready for cold cloudy gloomy days. Who needs summer?


  • Ashley says:

    i too cringe a bit when i see someone getting really dirty and messy, but i have to step back and remind myself that i never know when someone is making a memory for themselves. we have to enjoy each moment as they come so when we look back we dont remember saying 'get out of the mud!' and we remember that we jumped in the dirt with the little ones and showed them that there is never a mess too big that cant be cleaned up. its only life.

  • Tammy says:

    I'm the same way, even with the hubbie that comes in all sweaty from mowing the yard. Don't touch anything, go take a shower. 🙂

  • Meg says:

    yay! i loooove having fresh herbs right in our backyard.. i cook with them almost daily! just added some chives to our herb garden, yum!

  • Chika-san says:

    gardening sound really good right now. what i really want to do though is raise some chickens! 🙂 i love farming and taking care of animals.

    come again soon,



  • Grace says:

    I'm not really a neat freak, just a germaphobe. I would have to reach deeper to let dirt happen too.
    Good mom Ruby!

  • Oh I can't wait to have my own garden! Fresh herbs and vegetables are the best! Your girls are so beautiful too!

  • Renee says:

    I just love these pics of the girls helping in the garden….you can be sure that these are memories that they will probably always remember & cherish. I love how in your family, everybody gets to help out, no matter how young…I think it's really great for their confidence. 🙂 We were in DC when you had your anniversary,so happy belated anniversary! The heat was worse when we were in DC & at home if we wait to do any yardwork till evening,we have to fight off mosquitos so I usually have to deal with the extreme heat during the day to get things done…it's terrible & I hope this heat wave leaves soon!

  • Meghan says:

    Too cute! Are those pallets stacked with a mattress on top?? Do share!

  • Happy Mama says:

    Seriously, you have to move to Scotland. It has rained pretty much solidly for three days now. In the middle of July – the height of our summer. It's grey, wet, windy, cold…
    still enjoying your blog though I don't comment often.

  • Rubyellen says:

    happy mama- do you have space for my little family! i would love to move to scotland! are they hiring dietitians out there? i visited once during college and I just remember being so enamored and in love with scotland! I think any place in the UK i would be happy! I am made for dreary and rainy weather!!!

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