
July 16, 2010

vintage baubles
I am working like a horse for the upcoming fair and I think you all know that cause I keep talking about it (hope you don’t mind). Lots of good things have come from my crazy working: 1. I have been working on some new things (like the ones pictured above). 2. My best friend was over and it was like old times chatting and crafting together. 3. If no one buys anything from me at the fair, my shop will be fully stocked.
There still is lots to do. I. mean. lots. Oh boy! My weekend is sure to be full and busy. What are your plans for the weekend?

12 comments on “working”

  • I wish I lived in California so I could go this weekend! I'm sure you'll have a great time.

    I'm hoping to go strawberries and raspberry picking at some point this weekend, and then HOPEFULLY I'll make some jam!

  • Chika-san says:

    work, swimming, and finding time to hang out with my mentor. 🙂

    come again soon,


  • ohh dude your rings own mine! you are such a champ. love ya.

  • Rubyellen says:

    rj- they aren't rings! but clips!!! haha…

    holly- the show is next weekend, so i still have a week's worth of work to do!

  • Oh I wish I could visit this craft show. I will be down in So. Cal. visiting my parents in August. I am sure you will do fabulously. Have not stopped by 'cakies' in awhile… glad to see what you have been doing. The veggies look delish and I love the Napa area so that was fun to see too!
    Blessings to you all!

  • wish i lived in cali so i could come. these hair clips look fantastic! 🙂

  • Kayla says:

    Hi adorable girl! Just wanted to inform you that I've linked to you on my blog, cause I think everyone should know about Rubyellen. 🙂 Good luck at Renegade, I bet it will be awesome.

  • Allison says:

    Good luck with all that work! I hope you sell a ton, but I am hoping to see at least a few things in the shop 🙂

  • Michele Lee says:

    Looks like you have been a busy bee! This weekend I will be working like you, lol…but at least I'm sure you'll enjoy your work much more! 🙂

  • Tanya M says:

    This weekend I will be doing a little gardening of my own. I have been wanting to move some plants because they're either not getting enough sun or being squashed out by nearby plants. I obviously didn't really know what I was doing when planting them all! Live and learn. Oh, and I'm planning on using the rhubarb in the fridge for strawberry rhubarb pie. I have been wanting to see your garden completed, it's like you read our minds (us blog readers)!

  • melindakimbo says:

    thanks for working me like a sweat shop owner. <3

  • I'm hoping to hit Renegade on Sunday! I'm pretty excited. The boy and I are going to make a trip of it and take the Metro all the way there. It'll take about an hour or more, but since we've never really had to take public transportation we find it fun. lol.

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