renegade craft fair

July 27, 2010

My first official craft fair was quite eventful. There was a lot of stressing and prepping as I didn’t know how much to have on hand. One day I was so stressed that I started working out and five minutes into it I got frustrated, slapped the tv with my hand, and took off my tennis shoes and hurled them at the front door. A bit overdramatic? Maybe. But I was so stressed. Don’t worry, the girls were already sleeping in bed and Ben was the only one to witness my crazy rampage. I pulled a couple all-nighters, it reminded me of being in college, and praise God it all went well and seriously it was all God!
The weekend was very full as we had all three girls with us at the show. Day one they were cool with going to the show, but on day two they said, “We don’t want to go to the show anymore.” Despite their protest, they came because they had no choice and still did just as well as the day before. Our little Soulie was a bit crankier the second day, but was such a little trooper chillin’ in her little play yard all day long.
Things I loved about Renegade:
1. I got to hang out with my booth neighbor Danni (and Nick).
2. Meet some of you lovely readers. You seriously are too sweet and we so so appreciate all the love and support you give us! And I am real short in real life, aren’t I?
3. Getting to meet the other fantabulous vendors. Did you see Susan’s moccasins? Or Emily’s headbands? Or Margaret’s Pencils? Or Christy’s scarflettes? Or even Amanda’s beautiful flowers? All lovely people with lovely handmade things.
4. Made me thankful for my friends who braved the heat to come support me (and bought me treats).
5. I got to be with Ben (and the girls) all the zippity-doo-dah long day!
A good time was had and this won’t be the last craft show for Cakies just yet. I didn’t have time to take pictures, but thankfully Christian was there and was able to capture some. Thanks Christian!
renegade craft fairrenegade craft fairrenegade craft fairrenegade craft fairrenegade craft fairrenegade craft faircakies and my babycakiesrenegade craft fairrenegade craft fairyellow balloon at renegade
It came and went and now I can breathe easy. Well, just a little as now I have to switch gears and get ready for Brave’s birthday next week, then my mom’s 50th bash, so I guess the story never ends. That’s life though, right?
Today I made sure to get a lot more hugs in with my girls to make up for being the busy mama that I was for the past two weeks. As far as shop update, you can expect one very, very soon and a couple dollhouse pillows will make their way in the shop, so stay tuned!
p.s. big thank you to Lin, Jenny, Stephanie, Amy, and of course my sisters Reinna and RJ for doing things to help me get ready for Renegade. Seriously, I couldn’t have done it without you!
*all photos taken by christian cruz.

26 comments on “renegade craft fair”

  • This was probably so pretty and inspiring! I wish I could be there…

  • christian is soo good! seriously!!! love you sistaaa!

  • i saw your adorable crowns there… what a fantastic idea! and good for you for braving the heat… it really was HOT! it actually prevented me from taking pictures πŸ™ i wanted to do a nice little post on the fair… and i came home with not one picture. but your crowns stuck in my head as one of the cutest items there!

  • laura says:

    such beautiful photos. you have such a lovely family. lovely stall too!

  • congrats on your show! glad it went so well. i'm sure it was an awesome experience. πŸ™‚ and such lovely fun pics!!!

  • I'm so glad it went well, Ruby! The booth looked great, and it seemed like you had a ton of items, so your hard work paid off! I enjoyed meeting little Soul. I didn't realize she's just 2 days older than Audrey. πŸ™‚ Relax!

  • Susan says:

    Oh Ruby! This looks like it was oodles of fun. I wish I had been able to come out and support you and some of the other artists/crafters I love so much. Your hair looks so pretty!!! I LOVE that yellow giant cakies flower. I want one!

    Hugs to you, Susan

    Ha ha ha… My verification word is ironically “hangouto”. As in, I wish I could hangouto with you πŸ˜‰

  • Yay for you! I'm so happy you decided to stick with it and did it! I'm so happy it was a great experience!

  • Abhasra says:

    I've been following your blog for the past year, but this is the first time I'm commenting. I just wanted to say that your family is so ideal and inspirational.

    It's truly amazing the amount of love, affection and consideration you have for each other and how you always take the time and effort to demonstrate that to each other, which is so rare today.

    You're obviously very talented, your daughters are adorable and Ben seems like the perfect husband. (Does he have a blog? If not you should really ask him to do a guest post on yours!! I'd love to read it.)

    Thank you for sharing your life with us, every time I read your blog I'm inspired to be a better, more loving daughter, girlfriend and sister.

  • emily sparks says:

    i am so glad that i'm not the only one who was stressing major before the fair. also, thank you for mentioning me:)! i was so excited to meet you and do a little trade. i am kicking myself for not getting a couple more clipies. let me know if you want to trade again.

  • lesley says:

    he takes some good pictures! everything looks beautiful!

  • Casey says:

    beautiful pictures!! was the craft fair successful for you?

  • jozen says:

    lovely photos.

    looks like a grand time.. your stand looked just lovely! wish i lived closer to visit.

  • Meg says:

    wow, he took some pretty fantastic photos!! you look so pretty with your curly hair and yellow flower. and your booth looks so charming. cute, cute, cute!

  • Susan says:

    loved meeting you + you are even more adorable in person!

  • hi, i was so glad to have you in person at the fair… your blog inspires me everyday as i see our awesome Lord's love in your family, the passion you have for crafting and real life struggles. thanks fro sharing them with us readers! =)

    thanks for also sharing my scarflettes in your post! So honored that you liked them!

  • Sharolyn says:

    Christian captured it beautifully. I love your signboard with the balloon. All those little touches make such a big difference. You're gorgeous!

  • Allison says:

    Sounds like such a great experience! I wish I could have been at the fair, but it just makes me more excited for Renegade Chicago coming up soon πŸ™‚

  • Sounds like your fair was a huge success and I can totally relate to the stress – I just had my first 3 day show in the park a week or so ago and the perfectionist in me was killing me! Luckily it all went well and I was able to put it all behind me with a road trip to NY. Boy did I need it! : )

  • SO fun!! gosh christian is so legit! πŸ™‚ love all your pretty pics!

  • Erin says:

    Wish I could've been there to see your booth and to have met you. Sounds like it was a success!

  • marta says:

    wish i coulda been there, you have such lovely taste. xo. marta

  • Drea says:

    I just wanted to tell you that my daughter absolutely loves all of the goodies we picked up from your booth! My favorite (and the one I plan to borrow from her) is the cameo hair clip…so cute!

  • YVETTE says:

    What kind of camera do you have.. these pictures are great!

  • Thanks for this amazing post!! We had a total blast in L.A. Make sure to check in with our blog for the Renegade Re-Cap

    Warm Regards!
    -The Renegade Team

  • Charissa says:

    I'm so thrilled everything went so well but I have to confess my jealousy. All these super-fun things that could have gone in the shop. Don't forget about those of us that can't come shop from you. Of course, always love and serve our LORD first and your beautiful family next!

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