slightly obsessed

August 9, 2010

Ever since I made macarons for the first time for Brave’s birthday, which I am glad you all love as much as we loved preparing for it and celebrating it, I have been slightly obsessed with baking this confectionary treat. I am determined to get it down just right. Currently, I use this recipe and Emily’s tips. My weekend batch seemed to be better than the last, though they were shaped more like blobs than circles, and I don’t think that I put enough batter in my mounds. I have tons of homemade italian buttercream left over, so you can be sure that this week might yield more macarons. Not that we are already done with the batch I made, but I seriously want to be semi-pro at baking these pretty little cookies. I want them in all colors! I think they would make pretty pictures. Be ready for lots of macaron sharing…
Ben probably thinks I am crazy for wanting to bake more because of all the crazies that will be happening this week for my mom’s party on Saturday. Plus, I just got thrown into another mix of a project that needs to be tackled this week that has got me a bit in a frenzy! Anyone wanna help me clean my house?!! I had a freak out moment this morning and being on the computer isn’t helping with all that needs to be done. I can’t wait until next Monday when life returns back to whatever normal is and I have a bit more breathing room.
If you have tips for baking macarons please share! And if you want to clean my house… come on over!
p.s. i am behind on emails again, so if you are waiting for one… i will get to it eventually. promise.

19 comments on “slightly obsessed”

  • Meg says:

    wow you made those? impressive! i'm inspired to try now! they are one of the prettiest foods, definitely great for photographing.

  • Macarons! Oh, how I truly love thee…
    I've been making them since last summer, and even still, sometimes they're perfect, others, not so. My favorite combo is vanilla macarons with a white chocolate vanilla bean ganache. I use a one inch cookie scoop and a silicone baking mat. I also ground my own almonds. I think temperature is everything, though, so I guess if the weather is wonky, they may just suffer..?
    I can't wait to hear more about your macaron-making!
    We should do a swap, from my side of the country to yours!

  • Grace says:

    So delicious looking! I might be tempted to try. Some of my own.

  • carlotta says:

    i've never had one of these, but they sound delicious! yours look absolutely perfect.

  • It's such a silly thing but it is SO refreshing that you say 'macaron' and not 'macaroon,' a completely different thing! They look delicious and I am trying to master them too ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Kelsey says:

    Yumm…These look amazing! I've never attempted them but might have to give them a try!

  • Victoria says:

    Do you already know the tip about having to leave the macaroons for a while once you've piped them onto their trays, until a skin sets on them? You know they're ready to cook when you touch them and they don't stick, that means the skin is set.

  • I got the bug earlier this summer. Two batches so far, (I'm restricting myself to one try a month to reduce the amount of macarons that make it into my mouth.) and I'm still running into problems.

    I see macarons as a challenge! Forge onward! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • reinnasaurus says:

    im getting my macarons today!!

  • Becca says:

    I don't know what macarons taste like, but they are photogenic!
    can't wait to see more of these…

  • i'll say it once and i'll say it a million times:

    you are legit.

    haha. i hear macaroons are SOOO hard to make!! and here you are – making them and they look delicious! ๐Ÿ˜‰ xo.

  • dang that is so impressive! i just want to try one! i hear they are to die for. good for you!!

  • Rosalind says:

    I haven't read through the other comments above but Tartelette is an amazing food blog and she has a Macaron Tutorial PDF on her site (LHS). I made white chocolate ganache to fill my first attempt at Macarons this week then ran out of eggs!!!

  • Yummy and so cute! Your blog is fantastic.

  • Johanna says:

    I love baking macarons.

    Here's what I've figured out:
    Those silpat baking mats are amazing. My macarons always bake evenly and never stick. But if you don't have those, and you have sticking issues, pop the tray in the freezer for a few minutes and they come right off!

    I sift everything three times. It seems excessive, but the texture comes out perfect and airy.

    I always let my egg whites sit out at room temp for 1-2 days.

    I also use the Tartlette tutorial. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Mmm! I am so going to try this recipe out. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Becky says:

    well, they look beautiful. I love macarons and coconut macarons. I never liked them as a kid, but they they taste so good to me now. But, I still like chocolate-filled cookies as much as ever, hmm….

  • TAITx3 says:

    I just discovered your blog today. I love it.
    Here is a link to a website that is dedicated to just french macaroons! I too, am a huge fan of these sweet delights.

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