
November 24, 2010

This batch of macarons just ain’t turning out right, so I am giving up. I am not bringing any to Thanksgiving dinner! I would rather be cleaning and doing other things than getting this right. I threw in the towel and am done, at least for now. I will give it another shot next week. After all, I did just crack open one dozen eggs for egg whites, so those egg whites will be plenty ready for next week’s try.
I know I owe you a wrap it up wednesday, but with Thanksgiving tomorrow that will have to wait. Also, I have been a busy bee trying to get things ready for Soul’s birthday next week, that Wednesday crept upon me so fast. I promise to give you two next week! I might be throwing in the towel for this space for the rest of the week, so in case I am not back… I am thankful for all of you!!! Seriously.
Being thankful is an everyday, everywhere occurrence…. happy thanksgiving to all of you (not just for those stateside)!!!
don’t forget the giveaways! i am gonna keep them going through the weekend!


16 comments on “cracked”

  • Katyha says:

    oh boo! shame they didn't work out. Hope you have a lovely thanksgiving just the same πŸ™‚

  • Citlalli says:

    Hi Ruby, hope you have a nice Thanksgiving with all your lovely family.

    Thanks for your blog and for share nice moments with all of us!!

    see you soon!!!

  • jane says:

    i bet they still taste yummy!!!!! πŸ™‚

  • Nicole Marie says:

    i bet they taste great though!

  • Thalita Dol says:

    Oh, Ruby, I lost lots of cupcakes on Lilla's bday too, so I kindda know how you feel.
    As everyone else, I bet they still taste yummy!

    Happy thanksgiving to you! (I can't believe Soul is turning 1 already!!)

    hugs from Brazil

  • shuang says:

    Hi Ruby!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I really enjoy reading your blog πŸ™‚

    – Alexis (all the way from Singapore!)

  • Nickie Frye says:

    Wait, I thought macaroons were those coconut-y mound-like things? Either way, those look good. I don't care if a cookie is cracked! πŸ™‚


  • Renee says:

    sorry you are having so much trouble with those macaroons… you'll get them sooner or later,just remember what you do when they do come out right so you can do it again the next time. πŸ™‚

    it seems like yesterday my daughters and I were waiting for your posts b/c we didn't know if you were away having Soul or taking a blogging break but we were so happy to hear you were away b/c you had her….time goes by so fast.

    i wish you and your family a healthy & happy thanksgiving! i am thankful for your blogging! πŸ™‚

  • aw stinks you had trouble with the macaroons. πŸ™

    have an amazing thanksgiving with your family!!!

  • Michele says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Ruby!

    (and you have motivated me to try and make macaroons just to see if i like them!)


  • Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    ~ Jennifer

  • My first couple of batches turned out that way, too. Here's a secret: They're still good for scooping up the creme that's supposed to be sandwiched between them! (Shhh!!!)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Anita S says:

    They don't look so bad!!! I'm sure next time they will be perfect πŸ˜‰

    I'm from Spain, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, and I'd love to spend this day in the states sometime in my life, it seems to be a very very special meeting for you all.

    I hope you have a wonderfull day!! πŸ™‚

  • oni... says:

    hi πŸ™‚ love your blog – can't remember anymore when i start reading it. but all i know i checked it every day now for new posts πŸ™‚

    don't give up on the macs. they take a few try… πŸ™‚

    a tip – leave them out to dry until they form a shell. even if the recipe says 20 minutes – just leave it out longer… 1 hr, 2 hr… and they'll be perfect πŸ˜‰

    and prop the oven door slightly open, put them on the top shelves and temp down low..

  • Laura says:

    I just went to a Hong Kong Thanksgiving service put on by some of the English-speaking churches. Afterwards we had some refreshments. Egg salad and minced turkey sandwiches, potato fritters, quiche, pumpkin tartlets. Not that traditional, but very fun and delicious.

  • Happy Thanksgiving!!! I'm thankful for you Rubyellen… even though you make cracked macaroons (doesn't everyone eat pumpkin pie anyways???) smile… you are awesome.

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