September 27, 2011

first day with four alonefirst day with four alonefirst day with four alonefirst day with four alonefirst day with four alonefirst day with four alonefirst day with four alone
I survived.
Ben had a later start at work, so that help alleviate some morning stress and I got to sleep in a tiny bit. Around noon, all of us girls bid our main man farewell and then it was just me against them. Well, they were fed lunch, Soul was put to nap, reading was done (with a lot of frustration on my end, I just need to be more patient), and they were even fed dinner. I guess with all that was said and done, today wasn’t too shabby.
Here is what I learned: 1) Storyline Online is a great tool for the girls to hear stories while I am feeding Glow (or attending to business stuff). 2) Watching She-Ra also helps keep the girls occupied while I am feeding Glow. 3) Glow and Soul napping at the same time helps get some schooling done. 4) It’s okay if we only did reading today. 5) Friends who come over with dinner, a little gift for Glow, and their kids to entertain my kids is good for my sanity (Thanks O and Neen!). 6) God answers prayers because all is well and the girls were even in bed by 7:35pm. Thanks friends for praying!
Day one down and many more to go. I am feeling tired and my body is a bit more sore today than the previous days, but every day that passes will helps us get into a new rhythm as a family of six. Once we find that rhythm, days will be much more on tune than it was today.

19 comments on “FIRST DAY ALONE”

  • Rae Veda says:

    I'm glad today went so well. You deserve it. Those sweet little girls are so luck to have you and Ben. Have a great tomorrow. xo, rv

  • jodi says:

    Wow Rubyellen, you should be oh so proud of yourself. I hope your tired and sore body gets some good rest tonight. One day at a time. x

  • Sini says:

    You are a real supermama! πŸ™‚ Your girls are sweet as muffins.

  • Holly says:

    Well done girl! I love reading your blog – Thank you! Your girls are just gorgeous and you seem to do an amazing job with them! I have never left a comment before, but I just wanted to let you know that you inspired me to start my own blog πŸ™‚ Good luck with the rest of your week πŸ™‚ I will be checking in to see how it goes!
    Love all the way from New Zealand. xx

  • jody says:

    wow you are amazing Rubyellen! xx

  • Thalita Dol says:

    I'm so glad to hear it all went well!! You'll always be on my prayers. =)

    hugs from Brazil!

  • Bailey Ana says:

    Big thumbs up – I have two children & that is hard enough let alone four! Hugs and kisses to the family πŸ™‚

  • Laura says:

    I remember my first day alone with my first born….after I got him to sleep, I felt SO GREAT because “I did it!”…then it hit me…

    …and here I am, 12 years later…still surviving πŸ™‚

    enjoy the journey! what you are doing is Gods beautiful work…every single moment…the reading, feeding, dressing, hugging…offer it all up to God. No mama's task is too small or unimportant…you are making a difference in the little lives that love you and depend on you.

    More prayers for an awesome day today….

  • Megan says:

    I'm teaching my little one to read right now too. It is super hard for both of us. One book takes FOREVER. But keeping it fun makes it easier. There's no rush.

    I'm also trying to remember that English isn't anywhere near phonetic. It's hard. Seeing words in context really helps my daughter, because she can figure out if the sound options make sense. She's picking up sight words that way too.

    Good luck!

  • Glow is so beautiful! I know the Lord will supply the strength needed for a family of 6

  • Dawn Trest says:

    So glad the first day is over…now at least you know you can do it! Still praying for you!!
    xo, Dawn

  • I just love your Boppy covers! So beautiful! You have a beautiful family πŸ™‚

  • Jen says:

    I have only been reading your blog for a short while, but can't seem to stay away… I don't even know how I found it in the first place…

    Anyways, I wanted to let you know that I was praying for you on my way to work yesterday way over here in Michigan (so you were probably still sleeping :). I was glad to hear that your day went ok. I'm so glad someone brought over dinner- I was thinking to myself, gosh if I knew here I would bring over food and take her kids to the park for awhile…. glad you have some great friends! Hang in there!

  • jozen says:

    yay! you made it πŸ™‚

    i remember when my husband went back to work after we had our first.. i was terrified! and i only had one!

  • Ali says:

    I LOVE that Boppy cover!! I'm sure you made it, didnt you? I may need to do that :)Good Job Mama! I'll praying for you and your sanity in the days to come!

  • Misha Lulu says:

    I LOVE THAT EYE… of Soul !!!!!
    All the pics are so cute! Kisses to the girls!

  • where did you get your oilcloth table cloth? love it

  • Michelle says:

    High 5!!!! Beautiful Family, I tell ya!!!!!

  • ajk says:

    I don't know how you do it, I only have 2 girls and its tiring but fun to juggle all the differnet needs. your blog is a new discovery for me and very inspirational. x

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