
August 11, 2013

oc fair photo booth 2013This week it’s not a picture from my instagram, but our photo booth pictures we took at the fair! I seriously love these so much and I think I plan on going until we can no longer all fit in that little booth. Until then, we’re going to keep trying hard to squeeze in. True is on Ben’s lap, and Soul is on True’s, then Glow is on my lap and Brave is standing in the front. Look how cute Glow’s face is in that last frame of the family one… she looks a little bored! HA! In the black and white strip, we had to be quick grabbing each girl for her kiss from mommy and papi (that was a little crazy trying to go so fast all cramped in the booth), but we loved the result! These little strips of memories are so special to me.

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Thankful that True and Brave have taken charge of certain responsibilities in the house, but for some reason, when it comes to their room, it’s like pulling teeth to get them to clean it!

Thankful Ben and I got a date night in on Friday.

Loving our Tuesday Dinner Club! So blessed to hear how God has worked in the lives of my friends.

Happy to have this baby shower done and onto planning the next one for Priscilla and Babiekins Mag!!!

Glow is starting to be able to tell me when she goes potty. I cannot even imagine the day I no longer have any children in diapers, but I know it will be here soon enough.

Seriously, this mild SoCal summer is so great.

Thankful my mama had another birthday! Every year she gets older, she looks younger. I hope I get that anti-aging gene.

Okay, so Ben still hasn’t ordered my crock pot because he says from his research all the reviews on a pressure cooker are much more favorable. Any thoughts on crock pot versus pressure cooker? I told him you all have been sending me crock pot recipes, so that’s what I’ve had my heart set on.

Our weekend was great and super full. Next week will be much of the same and same with the weekend after that. I’m looking forward to having a boring weekend with nothing to do. Maybe that will happen in September, but already knowing Ben’s garden plans, it likely won’t happen. Will someone just stay in bed all weekend and chill for me please?!

10 comments on “huzzah!”

  • Denise says:

    Glad to hear you celebrate your pockets of joy in the busyness of our life. I have a crock pot and love it. I don’t have a pressure cooker, but a friend of mine does and she loves it, really cuts down the cooking time on things, not sure how it would go with a crockpot like receipe. Maybe some other readers can help, love your blog including your real ness, thanks and God Bless xx

  • Keri-Anne says:

    These are amazing! And that right strip is such a great idea! You should do that every year too in the booth ๐Ÿ™‚ See how they grow each year x

  • tracie says:

    if you are going to pressure cooker route i would buy the cuisinart electric pressure cooker (cpc-600). IT IS THE BEST. i have it and love it. i am always cooking dried beans, fish, eggs, etc. in as little as 3 minutes (fish). it is seriously so, so fast and easy! i do have a crock pot, but i use it maybe 1 time for every 10 times i use my pressure cooker. plus, pressure cooking keeps more of the nutrients in your food whereas crock pot (slow cooking) you are actually loosing nutrients since it is cooking for so long. just my two cents ๐Ÿ™‚ good luck!

  • sarah van eck says:

    This article reminded me of your four girls so much – 36 years of photos of four sisters in the same line-up…beautiful to see.

  • Marie says:

    The beauty of a crockpot I that you can put everything in it in the morning (in like, 10 minutes or less!), go about your day, and voila!– dinner is ready. With a pressure cooker you cant do that. All of my friends have crockpots and they are all different brands/types and they all work just fine. Ive had mine for 10+ years and although its not the best version, it works fine and produces great meals…just like everyone else I know that has a crockpot. I think you will love it… and if you dont you can always return it ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Laurence says:

    I’ve got both, but really don’t use them for the same recipes. In the crockpot, you get some really tasty food with lots of flavours, depending on the species you use.

  • victoria says:

    I agree with the feelings of the others. A crock pot is great to put on in the morning and leave, no worries, no concerns about it overheating, doing the wrong things, it’s so slow and gentle. A pressure cooker is a different tool, personally I wouldn’t leave the house leaving a pressure cooker on as I would a crock pot, but that’s just me.

  • Cait says:

    Personally I would just see a crockpot and pressure cooker as two different things. I would love a pressure cooker, but I know I will always use my crock pot. I love that I can leave it going and go about my day or even be out and running errands and it will be fine, cooking away. I also use it most often for making homemade chicken/beef stock or bone broth. I simmer it on low with bones in it for 24 hours and it is SO good for you and is free stock! Then I freeze it or make soup. It is also the only way I will take hot food to a potluck. We have a church fellowship meal every Sunday (right after church) and I won’t eat hot/warm food that wasn’t in a crockpot because it hasn’t been kept at a safe temperature.

    …but I’d also use a pressure cooker for when I didn’t plan early enough for the crock pot or have some long-cooking things like beans or a roast. Or for canning! I’d love to get a good one someday ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh, and some people worry about lead in crock pot glazes. I have heard that most are actually fine, but I know for sure that Hamilton Beach is lead-free.

  • Eleanor says:

    I have a crock pot and a pressure cooker, and I use them for totally different things, and for different types of days. The crock pot is for when I plan ahead and can get everything assembled before I go to work, which is especially great on a day when I know the afternoon and evening will be busy. The pressure cooker is for when I suddenly realize that its after 5 and I never thawed the chicken. You can make great recipes in both, and the pressure cooker does a really good job on rice, beans, vegetables, etc.

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