I needed a little break from this space. I went to a homeschool conference, spend lots of time researching curriculum options, saw my childhood best friend and his wife’s new little baby enter this world, and was just sharing life and food with various people in our church family. I love hearing other people’s life stories over a good meal. We have one week of summer left before we get back into the swing of homeschooling next week (yikes!) and this week the girls are having some friends over for a sleepover so it will be me against 6 kids. This should be interesting. I don’t want summer to end, but I am excited for our homeschooling this year.
This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…
I got a crock pot! Woot! Woot!
Thankful for the movie/cuddle time we had with the girls last night.
My sister’s boyfriend, Andrew Ho, killed it at his art show. He is so legit and so many other totally legit artists were taking notice. He also received tons of inquiries on his pieces. I can’t wait to see how Andrew continues to grow!
This post (from my sister) was an encouragement to me.
I want to make this yummy looking cake.
Love my kimono from Salvage Life. I can’t wait for Beth’s official store opening party!
So thankful that Ben and I are done paying off our school loans (we got aggressive about it this year) and we are officially debt free. Yay! Well, we still have our house to pay-off, but that is good debt to have.
Excited about the Babiekins baby shower the whole Babiekins team is putting together this coming weekend!
Happy Monday friends!!!
wow, that is amazing that you are debt-free!! must feel so freeing! good for you guys.
Ben started listening to Dave Ramsey and his Financial Peace series last year, so that really made us want to be aggressive about our school loans. We were so relieved to be finally done!
Congrats on being debt free. What an amazing feeling! I am a big dave ramsey nerd, my husband not so much but has agreed and loves the benefits of the program. Its so nice not to fret constantly about money when you have a plan and are on the same page as a couple. Congrats to both of you!
no more school loans! (i’ll be paying those off for awhile. :-/) curious about your homeschooling conference. text/email me. or playdate so we can catch up and i can pick your brain. love you!
PS TOTALLY needed that post from rj. i needed it particularly yesterday. but today it’s still good for my soul.
I’d love to hear your curriculum choices! We already started here in Hawaii, but love to hear what people are using.
I absolutely love your kimono too! Congratulations on the debt business. I recently moved to London and I’m feeling what debt feels like for the first time!
Congratulations on paying off your school loans!!! That’s a great accomplishment. We’re still paying off my husband’s school loan, but we’ve done really well with paying it off (he graduated 2005 and we have $6,000 left. Yey)!
That is great that you have a home of your own to pay off at all. I hope you are able to pay that off as well!
I need to go to the homeschool conventions that they have here in NJ. . .but I like the variety curriculum I pick out. Maybe next year I’ll attend it.
You’re almost there!!!!! We were so excited to be done with it! But i was so nervous submitting that final payment. HA!
Loving that kimono too!!!
1. congrats on no more school loans!!! i can’t WAIT for that day to come!
2. i love that top!!!! like really love it!
3. coolest picture ever- i now want to duplicate it!!!
Congrats on the loans! must be such a great feeling! we still have quite a ways to go. Also, I always take too many blog-reading breaks and kick myself for not visiting your little corner more often! Always enjoy reading your posts.
Cinthya! I always love your film photography! Will you do our family in film?!!
DUH! Of course!
So awesome on the loans!! Financial Peace has really helped us out too, not quite done with student loans, but almost
Also, I think you’ve posted about the homeschool curriculums you like to use, but I can’t seem to find it. Thanks!
It’s in the FAQ section up top! It needs to be updated with the new stuff for this year.
hey there! rediscovered your blog recently (can’t believe how grown up your lovely girlies are!!!) and saw that you got a crock pot =) i’ve got this dish going in ours right now and thought i’d share it with you:
it’s so yummy, perfect for these late summer/early fall days. having a crock pot is such a lifesaver, i don’t understand how you didn’t have one before, lol. these are my other favorite crock pot recipes:
so yummy!!!
Those all sound yummy! Thank you!!!