regular dinner messes

May 1, 2014

dinner table messesdinner table messesdinner table messesdinner table messesdinner table messesMismatched placemats, random cups, a big container full of red pepper flakes, this is our usual dinner table. Dinners are always chaotic, loud, and everyone’s talking over each other to tell Ben about their day. I’m always thankful for the family chatter that happens around the dinner table, and as Olaf says, “All good things, all good things.” #frozenobsessed

Happy May 1st! Can you believe it’s already May?!

12 comments on “regular dinner messes”

  • nikki says:

    looks like a yummy and fun dinner table 🙂


  • yeah, our dinner table pretty much looks the same, however, we dont have such cute table ware. paper plates for us! less clean up afterwards! haha

    • Rubyellen says:

      I have a friend who does paper plates for dinner and thought that was strange (but not so strange after all), but I guess it makes sense… less clean up!

  • Danica says:

    As a preschool teacher, I understand food messes. I sweep up so much food from the floor after lunch I feel like a zoo keeper! Haha you’re girls are adorable, even when they ARE making messes.


  • Meg says:

    I love how real you are, Rubyellen. Your blog is refreshing in so many ways. I needed this:)

  • Kay says:

    the red pepper flakes!! it is a fixture on our table too 🙂 also, <3 roasted cauliflower and pasta! it is in our weekly dinner rotation and usually topped with a gooey poached egg.

    • Rubyellen says:

      You just top the pasta with a poached egg? Anything else? That sounds yummy and I’ve never tried this before.

      • Kay says:

        ruby, after the poached egg i put a generous sprinkle of grated parmesan (not the finely grated kind but the shredded looking variety) and that’s it! for myself i put a pinch of red pepper flakes on top of the cheese. the poached egg is magical, i highly recommend its addition. 🙂

  • Christine says:

    I love this, and I love all your “real life” posts. There’s so much love evident in the pictures and they’re a blessing to us moms who feel like bloggers have these perfect, pristine homes 24/7. Love your blog so much.

    • Rubyellen says:

      I look at really pretty dinner table set ups on instagram and ours aren’t like that most days. LOL. I just plop dinner on the table and that’s good enough for me!

  • Ana says:

    Family dinners are the best!!

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