i have this thing with chairs

June 23, 2017

do we need another chair? by charlotte trounce

chairs by sabine finkenauer

stacking chairs by ophelia phang

When it comes to home decor, I have a weakness for chairs. I’ve had to sell some because I have too many, and it’s time to move some of our children chairs on because the girls are getting too big. I love these chairs illustrations and think I will have the girls create one of our own of all our chairs. That way we will have some way of remembering the various chairs we had in our home, especially the little ones that the girls have outgrown. The one chair I hope to get lucky and find for a bargain (though it’s unlikely) is a Warren Platner chair. I’ve also tried to find pink Casala chairs, but it seems most of them are in Australia, and I have no clue how to get them here. I doubt either will ever happen, but hey, a chair loving girl can dream.

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