from garden to table

July 21, 2010

We picked lots of tomatoes from our garden yesterday. We have about 29 varieties growing, so the result should be lots, right? Some plants are doing so-so and some plants are really flourishing, we will get it better next year. In the meantime, we will enjoy the harvest that God gives us.
our tomato trellistomatoestomatoestomatoesfreshly picked
a nice tomato harvest
fresh tomatoes for dinner
The girls had a blast picking them and then devouring them. I have a feeling this space will be seeing a lot of tomatoes very soon because we love tomatoes! Plus, don’t tomatoes make such pretty pictures?
Tell me about your favorite dishes utilizing fresh tomatoes. I would love to hear about it!
just some things:
– last day for giveaway
this looks yummy
this photographer will be in san francisco in a couple weeks, so if you want to book something or a consultation for something later, send him an email asap.

24 comments on “from garden to table”

  • Prue says:

    Those tomatoes do look delicious. : )

    My favourite food made with tomatoes is bruschetta – my recipe is to chop up a tomato, some shallots, some basil (if you have it), and mix with a slurp of white wine vinegar and a slurp of olive oil. Toast thickly sliced ciabatta or sourdough, drizzle with olive oil and spoon the tomato mixture on generously. It can be messy to eat but you can't beat it!

    We've just moved into a new house and I'm trying to work out where we can put a vegie patch. Your vegie patch inspires me to find just the right spot and get it started!

  • Chaucee says:

    It all looks so great and tasty!

  • Kristi says:

    This summer we have been obsessed with bulgar wheat salad! Mix prepared bulgar wheat with cherry tomatoes (or chopped larger tomatoes), tiny balls of mozzarella, torn basil and toss with your favorite vinaigrette (I make my own Italian dressing, or sometimes a simple combo of lemon, sugar, salt, pepper, thyme and oil). It's so delicious, and you can add tons of other veggies to it to change it up!

  • HazeWea says:

    Those tomatoes look incredible!! And I bet they were just as delish as they looked!

  • Jaime says:

    Oh Yumm!!! Nothing beats homegrown tomatoes!

    BTW – I flipped a little today when I saw your cute fam were guests at a cute wedding that was featured on 'Oh, Hello Friend' today! Your family always makes me smile!

  • Jaime says:

    Oh and I love the buntings you made! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Allison says:

    One of my favorite quick summer recipes is chopped tomatoes with garbanzo beans, chopped cucumber, red onion, and corn straight off the cob all tossed together with a bit of Italian salad dressing. It's a great side dish, and super refreshing ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Michele Lee says:

    Ooooh tomatoes are sooo yummy! My mouth is watering from seeing your pictures! Haha. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I'm pretty simple, so I'd have to say my fave of the tomatoe food world is guacamole and salsa. Definitely those two.

  • Meg says:

    yummm, i looove tomatoes!! my favorite dish to make with them is caprese salad! so simple yet soo mouth-watering delicious.

  • Wow! That looks delicious! I love tomatoes. I've eaten 7 from my garden (six cherry tomatoes and one grape tomato!). 29 different varieties, that's awesome! I wish I had enough sun in my back yard to do that. I have to put all of my veggie plants on the deck. Your photos are gorgeous – as always!

  • tamdoll says:

    Beautiful! You are lucky to enjoy such bounty. (Luck & hard work!) To be honest, in the summertime I could eat fresh tomatoes like apples – just biting into them. Sometimes I'll slice them up and add a little sea salt, but that's about it. Delicious!

  • Amy says:

    I love tomatoes! We only have a small bit of space for planting, but I did manage to get five varieties of tomatoes planted this year.

  • Jen says:

    what gorgeous tomatoes! our favorite summer dinner with tomatoes is bruschetta – I top crusty bread with tomato slices, fresh mozerella, basil leaves, and a drizzle of olive oil and bake for 20 minutes. yum!

  • Katyha says:

    My mum makes jam with tomatoes.

  • Beth says:

    Nice blog. Being a great lover of garden art, I enjoyed going through your blog.

  • Renee says:

    Your tomatoes are beautiful! I'm sure next year will be even better since it's kind of like a trial and error thing,you know what works and how,so I can't even imagine how much food you'll have next year.I wish I could just get fresh veggies from our backyard…we do have pears & small apples & 5 rows of grapes, unfortunately they are the sour kind. ๐Ÿ™

  • Becca says:

    Oh my goodness you have amazing photography!
    These pictures are gorgeous. What kind of camera do you use?

  • Kelli says:

    The tomatoes look so yummy! I love to make homemade salsa from all the great veggies from our garden. Have fun!


  • rachel! says:

    yes, i love your photos. it makes me want a better camera. or a better eye.

    your kids are adorable, and so is your etsy. consider me a new fan. :)<3

  • JC says:

    This is from Molly Wizenberg's book “A Homemade Life”. I tried it yesterday and am in love! I've condensed it here for you.

    Slow Roasted Tomatoes w/Coriander
    Wash, remove stem end, and cut 3-4 lbs. tomatoes in half. (She says Roma's but I used some others in the mix.) Place on sheet pan,drizzle w/ olive oil and toss to coat. Turn cut sides up and sprinkle w/salt and ground coriander to taste. Roast in 200 degree oven for 4-6 hours. The flavor becomes incredibly intense and they still have their juice and great texture. Enjoy.

  • erika says:

    These look great Rubyellen,if Sofia was there she would eat them all before you got a chance to take a picture….a real “tomatoe monster”…..

  • such beautiful tom's!! loving the last three photos!!

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