10 things i have learned while gardening

June 11, 2010

1. digging holes is a good workout.

2. i like the smell of soil.
3. i like the feel of soil in my bare hands.
4. june is a horrible time to plant.
5. yellowing leaves means either too much/too little water.
6. i don’t know how to figure out if i water too much/too little.
7. i have to learn to be patient as plants need time to grow.
8. diatomaceous earth is wondrous in getting rid of ants.
9. i like picking flowers from the garden and putting them inside the house.
10. having a garden is like having another kid… it takes a lot of time and energy to grow.
picked from the garden
{ginormous dahlia freshly picked from the garden}

Our little garden is far from being done, like I said above, I need to be patient and let the plants grow as it will be awhile until everything looks nice and full and it really does take so much time to cultivate a garden. I am sure some plants will go kaput and I will have to fill the holes with something else. It is all such a learning process. I just want to go flea marketing to fill up the yard with cute tables and chairs, so we can all relax outside and enjoy our Summer nights. How do you plan on spending your summer nights? And do please share if you have any good gardening tips that you think will be helpful! I definitely can use all the help that I can get! I am sure some of you out there are real gardening pros…
See you all on Monday!

11 comments on “10 things i have learned while gardening”

  • Lindsay says:

    I need to be better about gardening! Thanks for the inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚ THAT dahlia is gorgeous!

  • I LOVE gardening ๐Ÿ™‚

    I was having a bad day yesterday so I am actually going to the gardening center that is down the street from us and getting some more flowers for the front yard…. I really want some Jasmine. Smells soooooo good and they attract butterflies ๐Ÿ™‚ well bees to but I am looking forward to the butterflies

  • paperlust says:

    yes, gardening does take lots of work, but it's all worth it! yellowing leaves can also been a sign that the plant needs more iron – that was the case with our boxwood bushes anyway!

  • Erika says:

    I have never had the privilege of having a garden, so I have no idea why June would be a terrible time to plant…why is that?

  • Monica says:

    Gardens are so much work! I actually hand pollinated our pumpkin this morning.

    For your tomatoes, I read that its best to keep them to only 5-6 stems coming out of the ground for good fruit growth. It thins them out and lets the energy go into producing instead of growing taller.

    Also, I just went to home depot today and all their veggies and herbs were on a big sale!

    xo Monica

  • jane says:

    i have NO gardening tips… i can't keep a plant alive if my life depended on it!! ๐Ÿ™‚ but i love that dahlia and i can't wait to spend some summer nights with you in your beautiful backyard! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I am a terrible gardener but I love plants and flowers! Fortunately, we have a landscaper who lives across the street!

    My favorite summer spot is sitting on my front porch swing which was a gift from my parents. I love to sit there in the early morning to watch the crazy squirrels play chase in the front yard and at twilight as the fireflies come out.

  • Misha Lulu says:

    hi your flowers are gorgeous!
    I got a good book from antro called
    GROW GREAT GRUB BY Gayla Trail.
    planning to sit outside in our patio and have lots of dinner and breakfasts ! Come by some time!

  • jozen says:

    hi ruby! LOVE that gorgeous flowe from your garden!

    we put the girls in their red wagon and walk and walk around the neighborhood, sometimes for 2 hours or more!

  • Becky says:

    great post – and beautiful dahlia. The hard work makes them that much more beautiful though, right?

    We don't have so much of an ant problem as we are in a constant battle with snails in our backyard.

  • Leslie says:

    love your little spot, and remembered it today as we are battling ants in the backyard… so I purchased your little tip, but it says it must stay dry, how do you do that close to your garden.. may I ask?

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