The Ultra-Appreciatives

May 18, 2009

Remember, I said my mama’s day was to be continued? Well, I was in for a wonderful surprise. I stepped onto the set, created by my wonderfully clever husband, and was treated to a song and dance by… The Ultra Appreciatives!!!
the set
song and dance Ultra-Appreciative man!
thanks mama!
I luv them too!
The Ultra-Appreciatives
flying through
dang. he's HOTT!
Here is the song, written by Ben, that was sung during the performance (to DMB‘s “Save Me“):
 Ultra-Appreciatives, how grateful we,
For what U do, and what U be…
Never heard of us, heroes kinda new,
Our super-power is our thanks for U…
With these here U’s, we call ’em Uuumerangs,
So vital to-us, the name’s just slang…
Symbolizes-how U save us, Papi, Brave, and True,
And-what, would-we-do, with-out “U”?…
U’re there for us in, every way,
Brave drops her blankie, U save the day
U save us, Papi, Brave, and True,
What’s an Ultra-Appreciative, without their “U”?…
U save us, save us,
A big thank-U, from us three
U save us, save us,
A big thank-U-from-us-three
We’re so lost-when-U-are-gone
It’s a conclusion forgone…
Caring for True from womb to now,
Potty training her, I’d have a cow…
False alarms and all, you’re still content,
Even wiping up, all those accidents…
U save us, Papi, Brave, True,
And-what, would-we-do, without “U”?…
U save us, save us,
A big thank-U, from us three
U save us, save us,
A big thank-U-from-us-three
We’re so lost-when-U-are-gone
It’s a conclusion forgone…
I need U to free our clothes and house of dirt,
You wake up so early just to iron my shirts…
When I think of your love, I wonder wh-y-y-y-y-y
But Papi thanks my “double-U” for saving me
Ultra-Appreciatives, how grateful we,
For what U do, and what U be…

Never heard of us, heroes kinda new,
Our super-power is our thanks for U…
Equipped. With these here U’s, we call ’em Uuumerangs,
So vital to-us, the name’s just slang…
Symbolizes-how U save us, Papi, Brave, and True,
And-what, would-we-do, with-out “U”?…

flying hightwo are better than one!

no, it's the Ultra-Appreciatives!!!
it's a bird!
Now, Ben would not consider himself crafty, but really, he is just too modest. I mean, come on, he cut and sewed on U’s to shirts, found some tights, used my scraps for the U’s and the capes, painted masks, drew a whole set, and wrote a song. If that isn’t crafty or artistic, well, gosh, then I don’t know what is! My husband is superhero-ly hott! 

They were just insanely adorable that I had to take lots and lots of pictures. I mean, what husband will dress up in tights for his wife?!! Apparently, mine and I love him even more everyday!!! See more pictures here

I love my Ultra-Appreciatives! I am getting spoiled, how are they gonna top this next year?!! I don’t know, but I can hardly wait! I love being a mama!!!

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