May 10, 2012

a donut date
a donut datea donut datea donut date
a donut datea donut datea donut date

The big girls had dance class, so the babies and I went on a donut date. Soul’s got the sweetest tooth of all, so you can imagine her excitement when we walked in and all these pretty donuts were at her eye level. We got a dozen donut holes for $1.50, which I think is a darn good deal, but then again, I haven’t bought donuts in about 10 years, so maybe that’s normal. And I must say those were the best donut holes I have ever had. Again, maybe any donut will taste good to me at this point, which now makes me curious to go to other donut shops just to compare. 
It was a nice day out of the house since we have been pretty much cooped upstairs due to the flooring changing going on downstairs. The big girls danced, the little girls had donuts (okay, Glow got hers in a donut milkshake), and that made for a good morning. 
on me: shirt, thrifted. belt, thrifted. fit to newsprint skirt, c/o modcloth. pansy flat c/o modcloth
on soul: dress, misha lulu. flip flops, target.
on glow: she’s been wearing that for two days. really. 


May 9, 2012

the girls
I am over at Blog Milk today for a little interview series Ana is doing for Mother’s Day. I love her designs so much and everything over there is always eye candy, so I am honored Ana asked me! Read the interview here


May 8, 2012

I am excited to be a new contributor on the A Beautiful Mess blog. Elsie & Emma always have tons of stuff going on from foodie things to DIY’s to vintage-y things and I am glad to be a part of it. My first posts are all about greenifying your home. I am all about plants. Love them inside (and out) and they are good for cleaning air, so I was glad to share my little bit of knowledge with the ABM readers.
adding green
diy: color block pots
diy: collage plant basket
I am sure you have heard of A Beautiful Mess, but if you haven’t, be sure to check it out. If you are a newbie crafter or an experienced one, there is something for everyone there. 


May 8, 2012

the school girlthe school girl
{where from again? shirt: vintage; skirt: c/o lucky brand; shoes: superga}
This picture makes her seem so big. How did we get here so fast? I like to look back on old pictures of True and I can hardly believe she was once a little teeny baby and my one and only one for, oh, about 6 months until I got pregnant again (Brave was a surprise!). She changes Soul’s diaper (pee only) and she is a little writer. She loves to write stories. We like reading them. Future blogger?! Maybe. 


May 7, 2012

a real room toura real room toura real room toura real room toura real room tour
Dose of reality. Yes, you may have seen our previous kid room tours (here, here, and here), but this is more of reality. The not styled, very much played in, kid decorated room of True and Brave. I told them to clean it up and this was the result. Looks a lot different from when I clean up, but hey, I guess it was clean. Sort of.
If you read blogs and get frustrated about your own state of messiness, thinking that you can never get things as neat as the homes you see online. I am here to tell you, that at least for me, my home is never as clean as my home tours that circulate. I try to keep it as tidy as I can, but life happens everyday. 
I speak for myself, but I think as a blogger, you can get easily caught up in how you want your life portrayed online. Or as a blog reader, which I am also, you get caught up in the wanting that and wanting this and thinking those things will make you happy. I love reading blogs and I think there is a wealth of inspiration and learning that comes from some of them, but make sure to keep your heart in check. Always be content (and thankful) with what you already have and be honest. I read something from Proverbs this morning that stood out to me, “A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.” Oh man. I don’t want my bones to rot.
Happy Monday! Be wise and discerning in your blog reading today.

p.s. don’t you love how brave laid out her clothes on her bed? hilarious!


May 5, 2012

it's real!
Holla! That’s just what I feel like saying every time I see the wood floors in my house. It’s almost completely installed in the entire downstairs, upstairs will have to wait for another year, but we still have a long way to go until we are done. By the way, when it comes to house stuff like this, we aren’t DIYers, so we are working with some people to get the job done. After this weekend, next up will be the sanding, staining, and sealing of the floors. We’re gonna be brave and go with what we love and are doing white stained wood. I am pee in my pants excited, not to be confused with pee in my pants nervous, but maybe I am feeling some of that too. Eeks!
This week’s learned and links…
It was Ben’s first week back at work and it was a tough one with him not being home. 
Glow is starting to sit up now. She falls down real fast though.
We got some organic pest control to get rid of ants. Be gone ants, we don’t like you.
Once my house is back to normal making these peach cobbler muffins
Loving this necklace from Homako. She might be my favorite jewelry designer yet! 
Obsessed with hanging chairs and hammocks, see my houzz ideabook for proof. After the wood is done, one of those will be going up inside the house.

Giveaway winners announced here, here, and here. Follow on twitter, to see if you won! 

Got this black bathing suit from modcloth, but thinking about exchanging it for this. Ben says he likes black better though.
I love hearing Ben speaking spanish (he’s not fluent, just conversational). Makes me think of when he read a Pablo Neruda poem to me and whoa baby… hot, hot! Baby #5 here we come! Kidding. Well, only about that baby 5 part. 
House stuff pervades our weekend over here. What do you have going on where you’re at?! HOLLA!

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