family meals: week 95

January 19, 2015

herb stuffed meatballsherb stuffed meatballsWhole Wheat Spaghetti & Herb Stuffed Meatballs. This is always a winner in our house. My friend, Reese, even jokingly refers to it as the “Bratcher Meatballs.” HA! We usually use the Trader Joe’s marinara sauce, but since it doesn’t use organic tomatoes, I think we are going to try something else. Anyone have an easy marinara recipe you can share?

Week of 1/19 – 1/23
Monday: Garlic Cheese Balls
Tuesday: Steamed Tilapia with Garlic and Ginger
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday:  Mushroom Burgers
Friday: Ceviche

I’ve been craving a Red Robin mushroom burger, and it’s been years since I had one. I just looked up the calories, since I used to eat that burger all the time back in high school and college, and my oh my, it’s a whoppin’ 961 calories! That doesn’t even include the fries and honey mustard I use to guzzle down with it. I’m definitely going to attempt to make my own (much healthier) version of it.




January 17, 2015

#everyoneispissedoff fridayThis week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

First off, another one of my sister’s post brings me to tears, and it goes against everything our culture tells us. It rebuked my heart in realizing that I am weak and can’t do it all. It’s supposed to be that way, so that in my weakness the power of Christ can work.

Second, Ben’s cousin is co-creator of the new show Bella and the Bulldogs premiering tonight on Nickelodeon, so check it out. It’s about kids at some school in Texas, and the football team is kind of bad, but then the ball happens to get in the hands of one of the cheerleaders. She throws it back to the team, and they realize she’s got a mean arm. Thus, she becomes the quarterback of the football team. We are so proud of Ben’s cousin and can’t wait to watch it!

I’ve always liked this sweater when Nicole Richie teamed up with Piperlime, so I’ve been keeping my eye out at the thrift store for one, and I finally came across one this week. I wear it here, but you can’t tell much about it, but it’s perfectly cropped and cozy! Most of the styles out these days can easily be found at the thrift stores, if you have the patience (and luck), and at a much affordable price!

I really want to make this dangerous looking cake.

I think the girls would have a lot of fun if we made this.

And I want to make this garlic & herb cheese bombs soon too! Maybe today!

Ben’s work has been strike this week (for the whole week). We’ve been anticipating it for a couple months now, so we were ready for it. We are thankful that Ben has a job, and he enjoys his job, but the neglect that Kaiser gives their patients and employees isn’t right.

I want to make a chair like this for my creative space!

Some new things at Jean Jean Vintage have me swooning… this clover ring and this 1860’s garnet ring.

How cute is this 1960’s heart cut out swimsuit. If I didn’t have a tattoo of fire on my belly, I might consider it.

And while blogs are fun, there are more serious (and important) things in life past the internet. To all those affected by the attacks overseas, I’ve been praying for you.



parenting these days

January 16, 2015

at the deskLately, this parenting gig has been real hard. Not that it was ever super easy, but it seems we’ve hit a bump in the road, especially with our oldest. She has a real strong desire to control and wants her way or the highway. Actually, now that I type this out, it sounds a lot like me. Her way isn’t always best, and usually it’s quite selfish, so we’ve been really trying to steer her heart toward choosing selflessness and obedience.

I’m a sinner who birthed sinners, so it’s funny that I get surprised (and angry) when they are not following directions. Argh! Ben and I have been seeing how much growing and grace our parenting needs. The tantrums though have left me feeling exhausted and numb. I went to Target this week to pick up a couple things, and I remember just walking and feeling so zombie-like (minus all the grunting). All joy in parenting was gone that day.

I realized all my trying to be a good parent was kind of failing and it’s cause it was just me trying (and Ben), but kind of leaving God out of it. Not that God is a magic genie who magically makes things happen when you want, but I realized I needed to pray and surrender myself. I haven’t been dealing with this whole thing with the best perspective and my heart in all the wrong places, so I need to refocus.

I’ve been waking up at 5am to pray, read, and think, and enjoy the peace and quiet before all the chaos starts. And True and I went on a date this week, and I spoke with her about heart issues. I told her about how most of the time it’s hard for me to be selfless too, and that even I struggle with being too angry about something dumb. That’s not news to her though as she witness my selfishness firsthand. It was nice to have some one on one time with her, and while I know that won’t magically solve our issues either, it’s good to take as many moments possible to let them know we love them no matter what.


diy: handpainted rope basket (and a bit of my creative space)

January 15, 2015

my creative spaceHandpainted Rope Basket

Rope basket from Michaels (can’t find it online, but it was picked up at my local shop)
Craft paint
Tintable fabric paint mix

my creative spaceDirections:
Mix your tintable fabric paint with your craft paint following the package instructions, then paint your design onto your rope basket.

I had been wanting to sew a large basket, but haven’t had the time, but was so happy to see Michaels carried them. I’m thinking of picking up another and painting a different design on it. I’m no Gemma Patford, but it was fun to paint this basket.

my creative spacemy creative spacemy creative spaceMy little creative space is usually a crazy mess (proof here), but this month’s Michaels Makers Challenge has forced me to organize, which is a very good thing. The challenge was to organize our craft space a bit, so I picked up some baskets from Michaels (this and this one, the green one is from there too, but not online). Then, I had Ben mount a thread holder on the wall for me. Things are definitely feeling much better in that room, and I can’t wait to start making something so I can make a giant mess.

I will share more of the room soon, but I want to organize the closet first. Anyone remember that episode on Friends about Monica’s secret closet?! I have a closet just like that. I get stressed when I go in there, but that’s where all my fabric is, along with a whole lot of other (craft) junk. It needs major help, so I’m hoping I can give it some attention in the next month or so.

my creative spacemy creative spacemy creative spacemy creative spacecreative spaceSupplies for this project was provided as part of the Michaels Makers series.

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i’ll always love a carpetbag

January 13, 2015

all blackall blackall blackI’m not one for designer purses, but my BFF on the other hand, she loves her Gucci and Chanel (and all those other fancy brands). My purse of choice is usually a vintage carpet bag or tapestry bag. I have a nice collection of them, and sometimes I think it’s time to move some on (I try not to be a hoarder), but then I can’t get myself to do it.

I’m wearing a black sweater dress that I picked up from the thrift store. I had been eyeing a couple sweater dresses from some shops online (this and this one), but I had a feeling I could find something similar enough at the thrift store. Then one day I saw this one, and I knew the thrifting fairies were smiling down upon me. It needed a little bit of adjusting as the sleeves were way long, so I chopped it off and hemmed them. The dress was also a very faded black, so I used a bottle or Rit Dye and brought it back to a nice black. I loved how it turned out and it only cost me $4 (and a bottle of dye). Not bad, eh?

on me: boots, zara (sold out, but these are similar). dress, thrifted. carpet bag, vintage (similar here, here, and here).


making buñuelos with grandmama

January 12, 2015

our texas christmasour texas christmasour texas christmasour texas christmasour texas christmasour texas christmasSince we turned back around and spent NYE in San Antonio, Ben’s mom taught the girls how to make buñuelos. She used to make these every New Year’s Eve for Ben and his sister while they were growing up, so she was excited to be able to make them with her granddaughters. Of course, my girls were happy to get in the kitchen and learn from their Grandmama.

I’m glad we had to turn back around because I’m sure this will be a special memory for my girls. It is really sweet to see the grandparent and grandchild relationship. Plus, we don’t ever spend New Year’s with Ben’s family, so this was an extra treat for everyone.

Buñuelos are pretty much fried tortillas, so they aren’t super healthy, but my mother-in-law did make them with whole wheat flour, so maybe a little bit healthy? Ben would probably still say no. HA! Grandmama also made a big pitcher full of Mexican hot chocolate, and oh boy did we have a feast with a buñuelo in one hand and a mug of hot chocolate in the other. I want to try my hand at making them, so maybe I’ll have a recipe to share with you soon.


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