
November 11, 2017

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

What a whirlwind week! WOVENFOLK main shop and etsy both got updated. Met with a new accountability group. Girls are busy working on research projects. Cleaned up the front porch/courtyard and backyard. And we have construction going on in our front yard.

Cool palazzo pants! I love pants that look like skirts.

Soul opened up to Ben one night (I was out at dinner with a friend)  and shared him some things on her heart. It was sweet to hear about how God is working in her heart.

Made these delicious pan-fried zucchini fritters.

Been craving onion rings lately. I wanna try to make a healthy version. Anyone have a good recipe to share?

Ben and I are so excited to have The Walking Dead back. It’s the only show we watch together (it’s the only show he watches).

My exercise routine has been inconsistent the past few weeks, but I’m glad to be back on track this week. The time change definitely helped, though we were all a little crazy on Monday.

How cute is this checked skirt for little girls?!

The new cashmere sweaters on Everlane look so cozy.

“Jesus didn’t die to bring you good stuff. He died to bring you to God.” So much yes! from this message excerpt.

Happy weekending!

gold nuggets

November 9, 2017

Ben and I have been thinking (and talking) a lot about how we’re investing our time. So much of what we do is just here on this earth stuff, doesn’t really go anywhere. This Sunday’s sermon encouraged and reminded us to keep investing our lives more. Not because it’s in the doing that we gain favor from God, but it’s because that’s what we are called to do. I have been saved by God for good works, not good works saved me for God. The order is very important, if put in any other order, the outcome is detrimental to the soul. PJ encouraged us to “sacrifice our lesser joys for greater joys.” It was like those words went BOOM! in my head and heart. Makes sense, but sometimes so hard to do when mixed all up in my selfishness, but by God’s grace, I’m asking God to help me see and do that.

I needed to hear that. Honestly, I need reminders weekly, that’s why gathering with our church fam on Sunday is so important. And I need reminders during the week too, that’s why I meet up with friends and neighbors to read the Bible is so important. When I’m in the grind of daily life, I forget to have an eternal perspective. Sometimes (a lot of times) my eternity lenses fall off and all I see is the here and now.

Then the verse Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” was another BOOM because even though I used to claim that as my life verse, I didn’t fully grasp it.

It wasn’t meant to spur me to do whatever I set my mind too because God is on my side. Nope. It speaks that Christ strengthens me in all circumstances, whether I have little or much, in mess ups and victories, when I’m feeling down or as high as a kite, I think you get the picture. Actually, that verse points more to my contentment in Christ rather than my ability to trust Christ to help me do what I want. So my contentment lately? Oh it’s been a bit more in the fail section. But that verse was another encouragement and rebuke to my heart. God keeps dropping me little gold nuggets of Himself and His word to chew, wrestle, and treasure.

wovenfolk update

November 8, 2017

See all the new (vintage) baskets that have just arrived over at WOVENFOLK. I love them all (obviously), but that indigo one is especially cool. Which one is your favorite?

The etsy shop will get an update soon (maybe tonight or tomorrow!) with some indigo dyed pieces.

star fruit in our garden

November 6, 2017

This looks to be the first year that we will get to harvest our star fruit. The variety we have is called Super Sweet. Some baby star fruit fell off the tree, and the girls like to collect it and put it by my bed because I love the smell. It’s so fragrant! The smell is similar to Minute Maid fruit punch, which I haven’t had in years, but it used to be my source of water growing up. (I didn’t start drinking water until I started dating Ben.) If the star fruit tastes half as good as it smells, this might be a strong contender to be one of my favorite fruits.

Our garden is undergoing another transformation, so I was out and about checking things out today. I don’t go out and enjoy our garden as often as I should. The major change that is taking place is that our front yard is on its way to being a front yard, edible garden (and drought tolerant too!). We are raising up a large portion of the yard to give us two levels, and then we (okay, when I say we, I mean Ben) are going to put more fruit trees, herbs, and a vegetable bed. It’s been in the works for about a year now (when we removed all the grass), but now the second level is finally getting put in and we are so excited. It’s like Christmas, birthday, and Father’s Day for Ben over here.


November 4, 2017

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Praise God for another year. So much to be thankful for. It all goes back to Jesus opening my eyes to see how needy I am. That’s grace! It’s not that I need religion, but it’s that I know my good isn’t enough. I need Jesus and his wounds have paid my ransom.

Thankful for the fall weather that has finally arrived after our insane heatwave.

I want the girls to make a crazy colorful piece like this.

This will be my next Korean recipe to try.

Someone get these vintage modernist earrings (it’s only $11)!

20% off SALE in WOVENFOLK etsy shop. Lasts all weekend long! Shop here.

Net bags that come in pretty colors! Should I dye or buy? Hmm…

A tiny broom and dustpan would be a cute and practical stocking stuffer. Have you all started Christmas shopping yet?

I’m thankful to the ladies I meet up with (and text with) often to read the Bible and help each other love Christ.

Happy first weekend of November!

cheers to 36

November 3, 2017

Breakfast in bed (my fave protein drink with chia seeds and a scoop of peanut butter powder on top) has been served and it’s a big cheers to 36! Ben even got me the Pilea peperomioides plant I’ve been searching high and low for for years now.

I love birthdays! I’ve always counted down to my birthday and made sure Ben and my parents know it. Not that I have any grand plans, but it’s the one day I can do whatever I want. And for the last few years, my request have always been the same… stay in bed and do nothing, but read a book or watch movies. So that’s my plan for the weekend (I declared it my birthday weekend, well, week is more like it), so if you need me, talk to me on Monday.

My other requests are for Korean BBQ, ramen, and sushi. I just want good food that I didn’t have to cook. Simple enough, right?!

I’m thankful for 36 years of growing, learning, trials, victories, failures, mistakes (many major ones), but most importantly, abounding grace.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

I love my family, but my hope was never meant to be built on them… my family is sinking ground. My accomplishments is sinking ground. My collection of antique jewelry or shoes is most definitely sinking ground. All the good I’ve done is sinking ground. A clean house (!) is sinking ground. I often try to trust all these futile things. I try to put my hope and joy in these things, but they never satisfy. They are gifts meant to reflect me back to the giver, but not meant to be where I go to as my source of joy. Those things are the rays that point me to the Son. Only Christ satisfies. He died on the cross, so that I could be free from all my sin, and even all my righteousness. Through faith and repentance, He covers me with his blood. Jesus is my righteousness. It’s nothing I’ve done, but what He did for me on the cross.

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