indigo dyed dress

September 26, 2017

I’ve been experimenting with a little indigo dyeing lately and I’m loving the results. I had thrifted this dress a few months back, but the pattern was way too curtain-y for me, however, I really liked the shape of it. My intention was to indigo dye it, and while I meant to do it over the summer, I only got around to doing it this week. Here is the before and after…

The after is definitely more wearable and much more my style. The fabric has this lovely soft, worn, linen look, but once it was dyed, the pilling on the dress was definitely more evident against the deep indigo. Thankfully, my friend Google came to the rescue, and using a disposable razor, I pretty much shaved off most of the pilling. The dress is an oversized drop waist style, but tying a piece of indigo-dyed cotton rope around the waist, gives it a little bit more shape. It is now the dress that I envisioned when I came upon it amidst other cast offs at the thrift store.

Indigo dyeing may sound intimidating, but it’s quite simple.  This is the indigo dye kit that I used and it was enough to dye several pieces for myself and the girls. Dyeing is an easy way to freshen up your wardrobe without spending too much. Sometimes, changing up the color is all you need!

what i’m wearing: altered dress, thrifted. shoes, loq. basket, wovenfolk.


September 24, 2017

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Thankful to have 3 big projects and the baby shower under my belt. I’ve been quite busy that I haven’t had time to update here. I don’t know how I use to blog so frequently before as there isn’t much time now. I miss writing here.

One month of school is done! It’s been going well, but our days are quite full. Homeschooling 4 is certainly a fulltime job, maybe that’s where all my time has been going.

Our “Beyoncé themed” baby shower was a hit. The mom-to-be was quite smitten with everything.

I’m headed to the Pinner’s Conference for Michaels in Dallas this week. Anyone going? Any Arlington/Dallas friends out there?

The girls and I are super excited and thankful that all our thrifting has completed almost all of their costumes. We still have a couple details to figure out (and make), but it’s coming together.

I watched First They Killed My Father and now I want to read this book. Maybe I’ll see if they have it at the library to bring it on the plane.

Rawson has plenty of goods perfect for fall!

Happy Sunday, friends!

DIY butterfly costume

September 21, 2017

You have Halloween figured out yet? My girls knew what they wanted to be months ago and we’ve been working hard lately gathering things to bring their ideas to fruition. If you have a little one that wants to be a butterfly, then you’ll want to see my newest project on the Babiekins blog. Not only are these wings super fun for Halloween, but will definitely get many hours of imaginative play. See the simple step-by-step here.


September 20, 2017

This guest room might be one of my favorite rooms in the house because of how simple it is. There’s not too much in there; I love the spareness of it. It feels so airy. This is the former play room (it still had a bed for guests), and as you can see, we’ve made a few changes over the summer. I will share a room tour soon.

birthday shapes dress

September 18, 2017

Since Glow requested a “shape” birthday, I made her a shape dress. I had no clue what kind of dress to make her, so as I turned to Pinterest for inspiration, I came across this dress I pinned long ago, and knew my own version of that would be perfect. I used the fabric from this dress I made a year ago, but never wore much, and repurposed it into a birthday dress for Glow. I cut out my dress pieces, hand painted the shapes on with fabric paint, then sewed the dress together. She was quite giddy about all the shapes on the dress, and I even made a little bigger for her, so that she has plenty of time to where it.

Here’s a little peek at her birthday celebration, but will be sure to share a full post later this week.


September 17, 2017

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Thankful my baby is now 6 years old!

Love this quirky drawing.

Would love to wear this outfit, especially that denim kimono.

Gave Glow this book for her birthday and she loved it.

Perfect autumn dress from Ms. Tips.

This is my favorite candle scent and I need to pick up one for when we travel.

Beautiful home and makes me want to simplify the house even more.

Don’t forget to follow WOVENFOLK on Instagram.

This post came late this weekend, but better late than never. I’m off this weekend since we were off celebrating Glow’s birthday last week and trying to get back in to the swing of things. One of the perks of homeschooling is you can go on vacations when it’s less crowded.

Hope you all had a restful weekend!

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