indigo dyed dress

September 26, 2017

I’ve been experimenting with a little indigo dyeing lately and I’m loving the results. I had thrifted this dress a few months back, but the pattern was way too curtain-y for me, however, I really liked the shape of it. My intention was to indigo dye it, and while I meant to do it over the summer, I only got around to doing it this week. Here is the before and after…

The after is definitely more wearable and much more my style. The fabric has this lovely soft, worn, linen look, but once it was dyed, the pilling on the dress was definitely more evident against the deep indigo. Thankfully, my friend Google came to the rescue, and using a disposable razor, I pretty much shaved off most of the pilling. The dress is an oversized drop waist style, but tying a piece of indigo-dyed cotton rope around the waist, gives it a little bit more shape. It is now the dress that I envisioned when I came upon it amidst other cast offs at the thrift store.

Indigo dyeing may sound intimidating, but it’s quite simple.  This is the indigo dye kit that I used and it was enough to dye several pieces for myself and the girls. Dyeing is an easy way to freshen up your wardrobe without spending too much. Sometimes, changing up the color is all you need!

what i’m wearing: altered dress, thrifted. shoes, loq. basket, wovenfolk.

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