polaroid tuesday: week seventeen

April 29, 2009


week seventeen

Two lips. I love my husband.
p.s. Thank you for the extremely wonderful words about True’s birthday. I am so overwhelmed at the joyous response. Nice to meet lots of you who are here for the first time (or said hi for the first time). I only wish I knew how I could respond directly to someone’s comment. Anyone know how to do that? Some people are able to respond to ones I leave them via email, but I don’t know how to do that. Therefore, forgive if me I don’t always answer questions or comments. I will try to get better, but being a mom of two little ones, well, you know how that goes. Lots of things slip through the cracks. Really though, I appreciate and read every one. Thank you again everyone!

13 comments on “polaroid tuesday: week seventeen”

  • fabulous picture 😀

  • heather says:

    I was just going to respond to True’s party when I read this post. So I just want to say that I LOVE her party. You are so creative and fun and I love everything you did for it. It really looks like she had fun.
    Okay now on to the question you just asked. IF you go to your settings in blogger…under comments at the very bottom there is a section titled: Comment Notification Email. This is where you type in your email address. Then those people that leave you a comment will be sent to your email and you can just respond right back. I think the only problem with it is if the person who left a comment doesn’t have their email listed on their blog it can’t be sent back. Does that make any sense?
    Anyway, hope that helps.
    Love the picture this week too!:)

  • carly. says:

    tulips…two lips…aw. you’re really very cute. it looks like you have the perfect life; honestly. your girls are gorgeous and you look like you guys just have so much fun!

    ps: hi!! i’m carly. i found your blog through rachels when she made a blog post about true’s birthday party. it looked straight out of a fairy tale 🙂

  • Hedy. says:

    Hi Rubyellen, to respond to comments in an easy way; open your account, go to the post where you want to respond to the comment of someone and just ‘leave a comment’ and hit the ‘publish your commment’ button. It will publish your comment immediately with your name above the comment. Don´t forget to mention in the comment for who it is though. Good luck!

  • Whitney says:

    I love you two together, your love for one another is so obvious! Love the picture, extremely cute and romantic 😀

  • sharyl says:

    tulips = love love love! your Truelilock’s birthday is just too precious! A Beary Happy Birthday to True!

  • i love that your polaroid camera makes all your pictures so different.

  • Varenia says:

    Ha! Love this shot!

    (And I think Heather is correct, you can just email a response back, if the commenter leaves their email address.)

    Happy Wednesday!

  • Ellieboo says:

    Hi There – loving your polaroids. I actually bought a crown from you recently and I have just put a little post up about it over at my blog – it is beautiful, thank you.


  • Hedy. says:

    Oh my, had just a little bit more time to look through your posts and comments and saw that I gave you a tip about leaving comments which you actually already use.I´m sorry. I guess I must not try to leave comments at 5.30 a.m. in the morning.

  • mrs.deane says:

    This shot is so magical, Ruby! I love it :O) Are you making a special album for your polaroids?

  • Rubyellen says:

    thanks for the comment help! i will try it.

    and don’t worry… ben and i fight too! 🙂 we are normal after all!

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