the stillness of the morning

August 17, 2009

The morning was a perfectly peaceful time spent eating my peanut butter & jelly (with condensed milk) sandwich and watering the growing garden outside as the girls continue to sleep soundly in their beds.

today's breakfast

early morning wateringswiss chard
In the stillness of the morning, I ponder and thank God for…
1. Ben’s new job, which will only be 20 minutes from home.
2. The closer we are to Fall, the closer we are to babycakies 3 coming.
3. The days starting to get shorter.
What are you thankful for this morning?
p.s. I am hoping to have a shop update on Wednesday morning sometime… finally.

10 comments on “the stillness of the morning”

  • Casey says:

    I am thankful that God has blessed us with a Christmas baby, (our first!) and that in this economic time, he continues to provide!

  • I am thankful for Mondays off, for a warm spell coming up, and for a garden full of beauty, for our health…I could go on…

  • carly. says:

    i cannot wait for fall…i don't have a/c and my apartment is just as hot as it is outside right now (i'm in ontario and it is STINKING hot) that and fall is my absolute favourite season!

    AND!! excited for baby ๐Ÿ™‚

  • melindakimbo says:

    So much to be thankful for! My momma's coming back tomorrow – I'm thankful for that…. that means she can take back her gardening job. … I have a black thumb. I've killed her plants. ๐Ÿ™

  • i am thankful for family.and that cooler weather is well on its way<3
    adrienne K

  • Prue says:

    I'm thankful to be going to a craft show tomorrow with a good friend, sans kids! And thankful to my mum for minding said kid.

  • I'm thankful for my family, and all that God continually gives and provides for. I am so very thankful for you and Ben and the new job! I know you guys have been praying for a long while for this, so I am so very happy for you guys ๐Ÿ™‚

  • BCBC says:

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  • angela says:

    I'm thankful for my brand new husband ๐Ÿ™‚ and for our next trip to Greece. And soooooo happy for you and Ben!

  • Laura says:

    I am so thankful for Artful Blogging, and discovering your blog just minutes ago. My four kids are in front of the TV with bowls of cereal, and so I grabbed my coffee and sneaked upstairs…

    I agree with you 100%…I never realized how much there was to “celebrate” in my everyday until I gave birth to my blog.

    Today I will celebrate a new blog to read! And thanks , also….you reminded me to go water my flowers…

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